Human Capital and Corporate Support

Chief Director
Lindelani Linda Kaseke

The purpose of the Chief Directorate is to provide a strategic and transformed human resource services.

The Chief Director's functions include:

  • Managing the provision of human resources and organisational development services
  • Managing the provision of performance management, human resource development, employee relations and wellness.
  • Managing the provision of security and facilities management.

The Chief Directorate comprises of the following Directorates:

  • Human Resource Management (HRM) 
  • Human Resource Development, Employee Health and Wellness 
  • Securities and Facilities Managements

Directorate: Human Resource Management (HRM)

Mr Paul Kwerane (Acting)
Tel: 012 473 0407

The purpose of HRM is to manage the provision of human resources and organisational development services.

The Directorate's functions includes:

  • Providing human resource management and administration services.
  • Managing recruitment and selection processes.
  • Providing organisational development and change management services.
  • Developing Organisational Structure and Post establishment.
  • Providing labour relations services.

The Public Service Regulations [PDF] 665 kb allow for a great deal of decentralisation and flexibility, and place the onus on departments to develop and implement their own departmental policies derived from the national framework. This directorate develops and manages these policies.

HRM comprises the following sub-programmes:

Deputy Director: Human Resource Administration

Mr Paul Kwerane
Tel: 012 473 0407

The purpose of the unit is to provide human resource management and administration services.

The functions of the unit are:

  • Developing and facilitating the implementation of human resource management and administration policies.
  • Facilitating conditions of service, (remuneration, leave, appointments, terminations, and employee benefits).
  • Managing human resource registry.
  • Developing human resource strategies and coordination of HR plans.
  • Developing the employment equity plans and coordinate EE programmes.
  • Coordinating and facilitate the recruitment of equitable workforce
  • Coordinating and facilitate the re-engineering, mapping and improvements of business processes and SOPs.
  • Coordinating the organisational design processes and procedures.
  • Providing the establishment management.

Assistant Director: Employee Performance Management and Development System
Ms Puleng Mokone
Tel: 012 473 0487

Assistant Director: Human Resource Administration

Ms Samuel Matsapola
Tel: 012 473 0231

Subdirectorate: Labour Relations

Deputy Director: Labour Relations 

Mr Boitumelo Tauetsile
Tel: 012 473 0232

The purpose of the unit is to provide labour relations services.

The functions of the unit are:

  • Facilitating the implementation of labour relations guidelines and processes.
  • Facilitating departmental collective bargaining and dispute resolution processes.
  • Facilitating the resolution of disciplinary cases, grievance and disputes processes.
  • Representing employer at various stakeholder forums and monitor the implementation of collective agreements.
  • Managing exit interviews and analysis.
  • Managing HR delegations framework.
  • Coordinating corporate service Services' policy consultations.
  • Coordinating HR awareness sessions.

Contact persons:
Assistant Director: Organisational Development and Recruitment & Selection

Directorate: Human Resource Development (HRD), Employee Health and Wellness

Director: Ms Thabile Zuma
Tel: 012 473 0177

The purpose of the Directorate is to manage the provision of performance management, human resource development, employee relations and wellness.

The Directorate is responsible for:

  • Providing human resource utilization and development programmes.
  • Providing employee health and wellness programmes.
  • Managing and implementing performance management development system.
  • Managing and coordinating the implementation of departmental transformation programmes.

HRD comprises the following Sub Programmes:

Sub Directorate: HRD and PMDS

Deputy Director

The purpose of the unit is to provide human resource utilization and development programmes.

The key functions of the Sub Directorate are to:

  • Developing and facilitating the implementation of skills development strategy.
  • Providing and facilitating the provision of training and development programmes/services
  • Coordinating and facilitating learnership and internship programmes.
  • Providing and coordinating the implementation of performance management development system.
  • Conducting assessment of the implementation of training and performance management programmes and produce reports thereof.

Assistant Director: HRD
Tel: 012 473 0121

Sub-directorate: Employee Health and Gender Mainstreaming

Deputy Director

Mr Xikombiso Khosa
Tel: 012 473 0332

The purpose of the unit is to provide employee wellness, gender and disability strategies and programmes.

The key functions of the Sub Directorate are to: 

  • Facilitating the development and implementation of employee health and wellness policies.
  • Facilitating the implementation of HIV and Aids, TB and other communicable diseases prevention, support and treatment care programmes.
  • Facilitating departmental programmes and strategies in line with national gender and disability policies.

Kolani Neba (Disability Management)
Tel: 012 473 0138

Middah Spaumer (Wellness Coordinator)
Tel: 012 473 0184

Directorate: Security and Facilities Management

Director: Avhasei Tshirangwana
Tel: 012 473 0439

Security and Facilities Management manages the provision of security and facilities manaciement.

The functions of the Security and Facilities Management Directorate are:

  • Managing facility management and general support
  • Managing security management services
  • Managing food service aide and cleaning services
  • Managing effective transport services and travel management