Minister of Communications, Ms Faith Muthambi, will brief the media on the overall work of the department focusing on the finalisation of South Africa's digital migration implementation roadmap and the initiative to guide content development for the DTT environment through the South African Broadcast Production Advisory Body.
The Minister will also outline the journey to initiate a comprehensive Broadcast Policy Review.
Members of the media are invited as follows:
Date: Tomorrow, Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Time: 14h30
Venue: Imbizo Media Centre, 120 Plein Street, Parliament, Cape Town
NB: There will be a video-link to DoC Head Office, Tshedimosetso House corner Francis Baard and Festival Streets, Hatfield, Pretoria
Mzimasi Ngqelu (Cape Town)
Cell: 076 904 3557
Ishmael Selemale (Pretoria)
Cell: 061 790 5114
Ayanda Hollow
Cell: 061 488 0634