16 Days of Activism briefing

17 November 2008

The National Convenor of the 16 Days of Activism Campaign for No Violence against Women and Children, Deputy Minister Nomatyala Hangana, and 16 Days of Activism partners, will brief members of the media on the 2008 plan to raise awareness and fight the scourge of gender-based violence. During this event, the Torch of Peace will also be lit to kick-start the year's campaign.

Ms Hangana will also unveil a list of events that will take place throughout the country during the period of the campaign. The 16 Days Campaign which runs from 25 November to 10 December, will be officially launched on 22 November.

Monday, 17 November 2008
11:00 Room 153, Union Buildings, Pretoria
Chair: Deputy Minister Nomatyala Hangana


Note: There will be a video-link up to Cape Town, Imbizo Media Centre.

Pheliswa Sebati
Cell: 082 413 4609

Matshepo Seedat
Cell: 083 228 5041

Colin Cruywagen (Cape Town)
Cell: 082 377 9916

Briefings delivered will be available on the South Africa Government Information website.
