1 December 2014
Pursuant to section 38 of the Broadcasting Act (no.4 of 1999), the Minister of Communications issued a notice requesting public nominations to serve on the South Africa Broadcast Production Advisory Body to advise her on how the development, production and display of local content can be supported in the Republic. The Minister hereby wishes to extend the closing date to the 17th December 2014.
The South African Broadcast Production Advisory Body shall comprise 6 members appointed by the Minister representing government, the regulator, industry, civil society, consumer groups and organised labour with proven experience and expertise in content creation and development, production, marketing, distribution, acquisition, policy and regulation, distribution technologies, Intellectual property, cyber security and any other skills required in content industry.
The Terms of Reference document outlining the nature, scope of work and general functioning of the Body is available at the Department’s website. Hard copies of the document are obtainable from the office of the Minister; Tshedimosetso House, 1035 Frances Baard & Festival Streets, Hatfield, Pretoria.
Nominations containing the names of the nominees, their short CVs and acceptance of nomination can be directed to:
The closing date for nominations is 17 December 2014
The Minister
Attention: Mr Donald Liphoko
Department of Communications
1035 Frances Baard Street, HATFIELD, Pretoria
Issued by: Department of Communications