5 October 2014
Government wishes to advise the members of the media about the planned media briefings scheduled for the week of 06 – 12 October 2014.
On Wednesday, 08th of October at 10:00am, Environmental Affairs Minister, Edna Molewa will officially launch the National Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Report (NECER) 2-13/14. The objective of the NECER is to provide a national overview of environmental compliance and enforcement activities undertaken by relevant institutions across the country during the period 01 April 2013 - 31 March 2014. During the media briefing the Minister will also provide details on the findings of the report and provide more information on the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)-Global Environment Facility (GEF) Rhino Project aimed at strengthening the law enforcement capabilities to combat wildlife crime with a specific focus on rhino. The briefing will be held at Tshedimosetso House, Pretoria with a link up to the Imbizo Media Centre, Cape Town.
On Thursday, 09th of October at 10:00am, Government’s Social Protection, Community and Human Development Cluster will hold a media briefing. The media briefing will be held at the Tshedimosetso House, Pretoria with a link up to the Imbizo Media Centre, Cape Town.
Additional to these media briefings there are a number of public events that will be attended by the various Ministers. The details of the events are posted on the respective government websites.
All members of the media are advised that the media briefings are subject to change. However, the Department of Communications (DOC) – formerly Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) will continue to update the media through its advisories.
Nebo Legoabe
Cell: 082 453 2874
Issued by the Department of Communications (DoC)