Media release

Government’s media briefings for 1-7 September

01 September 2014

31 August 2014

Government wishes to advise the members of the media about the planned media briefings scheduled for the coming week of 01 – 07 September 2014. 

On Monday, 01 September the Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, will brief the media on the launch of Heritage Month under the theme “Celebrating 20 Years of Democracy: Tell your story that moves South Africa Forward! The launch will take place at 12:00pm at Freedom Park, Pretoria.

On the 2nd of September, Statistician General Pali Lehohla, will hold a media briefing on the release of the Non-Financial Census of Municipalities report. The briefing will take place at 12:00pm at Tshedimosetso House (GCIS), Pretoria with a link up to Cape Town.

On Thursday, 04th of September at 09:00am, the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform, Gugile Nkwinti, will brief the media following his keynote address at the Land Tenure Summit at Birchwood Hotel, Gauteng. Issues that will, amongst others, be addressed at the summit include tenure insecurity in commercial farming areas, tenure challenges in communal areas, and resolving South Africa’s land reform since the advent of democracy.

Statistician General Pali Lehohla will brief the media on the 4th of September 2014, on the release of the Mortality and Cause of Death. The media briefing will take place at 14:00pm at Tshedimosetso House (GCIS), Pretoria.

The Post Cabinet media briefing will be held on Thursday, 4th of September, by the Minister in the Presidency, Jeff Radebe, at 10:00am at the Imbizo Media Centre, Cape Town with a link up to Tshedimosetso House (GCIS), Pretoria. He will brief on the decisions taken by Cabinet which will be held on 3rd September.

The Department of Social Development will brief the media on the 07th of September at 09:00am, on fraudulent deductions from SASSA card holders. The media briefing will be held at Tshedimosetso House (GCIS), Pretoria with a link up to the Imbizo Media Centre, Cape Town.

Additional to these media briefings there are a number of public events that will be attended by the various Ministers.  The details of the events are posted on the respective government websites.

All members of the media are advised that the media briefings are subject to change. However, GCIS will continue to update the media through its advisories.

Phumla Williams
Cell: 083 501 0139

Issued by Government Communication and Information System (GCIS)

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