18 August 2014
Government wishes to advise the members of the media about the planned media briefings for the coming week of the 18 – 24 August.
Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene and Land Bank acting CEO Lindiwe Mdlalose will brief the media on the financial performance of the Bank and other issues on 18 August. The briefing will take place at the DBSA, Auditorium in Midrand at 9:00.
On Tuesday, 19 August, the Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, will hold a media briefing at King Shaka Airport in Durban 14:30. The briefing follows the arrival of the remains of Nat Nakasa following his exhumation at Ferncliff Cemetery in New York. The Minister will brief on the burial arrangements. Nakasa left the country 50 years ago after taking up the Nieman Fellowship to study in America.
The Department of Higher Education and Training, Dr Blade Nzimande, will brief the media on the Department’s Social Inclusion Policy on 20 August at the Imbizo Media Centre in Cape Town via link up to GCIS, Pretoria at 11:00.
On the 21st of August at 10:00 the Minister of Communications, Faith Muthambi, will hold a post-Cabinet media briefing in Cape Town with a link up to Tshedimosetso House in Pretoria (GCIS). She will brief on the decisions taken by Cabinet which will be held on the 20th of August.
The Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Training, Mr Mduduzi Manana will brief Free State media on the Apply Now Campaign and Top 100 Scarce Skills on the 21st of August at the Commtech Comprehensive School, Bloemfontein at 7h30.
Additional to these media briefings there are number of public events that will be attended by the various Ministers. The details of the events are posted on the respective government websites.
All members of the media are advised that the media briefings are subject to change. However, GCIS will continue to update the media through its advisories.
Phumla Williams
083 501 0139
Issued by Government Communication and Information System (GCIS)