6 December 2012
Government has noted the mischievous and misleading score card on the performance of the Cabinet Ministers by the Democratic Alliance.
Acting Cabinet Spokesperson, Phumla Williams, slammed the DA score card, saying “Government has its own monitoring and evaluation systems through the Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation”.
She added that “Cabinet Ministers have entered into Performance Agreements with the President, not the media or any political party. Furthermore, Parliament is the body that provides oversight, not individual political parties”.
It is important to note that Government’s performance cycle runs from April to March, which renders the DA score card inaccurate, mischievous, and ignorant.
Williams says “this is clearly a deliberate attack on Government, aimed at discrediting its hard work and achievements”.
Government calls on South African citizens not to be misled by ill-informed score cards, but rather rely on Government’s own performance monitoring and evaluation systems, which are communicated through audited annual reports.
Phumla Williams
083 501 0139
Issued by Government Communication and Information System