Media release

Manyi warns of Facebook impersonator

30 April 2012

30 April 2012

Cabinet Spokesperson and GCIS CEO, Mr Jimmy Manyi, was shocked to discover that he has an impersonator(s) on Facebook. Manyi  has called on Facebook users not to be misled by the impersonator(s) on the social media website.

Manyi confirmed that he has never personally or by delegation operated on Facebook. "I am not active on Facebook and all the communication taking place in my name on Facebook is misleading" Manyi said. Manyi has dismissed and disassociated himself from all content related to the account user(s), i.e. the impersonator(s). The GCIS is working with law enforcement agencies to clamp down on the impersonator(s) and has called on those involved in the illegal acts to dissist from impersonating Manyi. “It is shocking and outrageous to find myself confronted with these devious and illegal acts,” Manyi said.

“GCIS is concerned that these impersonators are misleading the public as Mr Manyi occupies a position associated with communicating critical information on behalf of Cabinet,” said GCIS spokesperson Neo Momodu.

Momodu urged the impersonator(s) to stop engaging the public in the name of Manyi and warned the so-called Manyi Facebook friends that they have befriended an imposter and impersonator. "The Cabinet Spokesperson, Mr Jimmy Manyi is not active on Facebook", Momodu confirmed.

Neo Momodu
Cell: 079 462 5081

Issued by: Government Communications (GCIS)

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