Media release

2024 Elections kick off to a smooth start

29 May 2024

Government welcomes the inspiring smooth start to the 2024 national and provincial general elections. Tens of thousands of South Africans have already cast their vote, affirming the strength and vibrancy of our democracy.

“There is a conspicuous and palpable sense of jubilation at voting stations across the country as citizen’s exercise their constitutional right in this seminal seventh national election. The dignity and patience with which voters are conducting themselves is a sign of our maturing democracy and we are confident that these elections will build on our history of free and fair elections” said acting GCIS Director-General Nomonde Mnukwa.

Voting stations and Home Affairs offices will remain open until 9pm and registered voters are reminded to bring their identity documents to vote. Government urges South Africans to keep making their way to voting stations throughout the day so as to avoid bottlenecks near closing time.

Voters who are registered to vote can send an SMS with their ID number to 32810 or WhatsApp to 0600 88 0000 to determine if they are on the IEC voter’s roll and locate the name of the voting station where they will cast their ballots.

Elderly, pregnant and sick voters are encouraged to approach electoral officers at their voting stations so that they can be ushered to the front of the queue.  To avoid medical emergencies, voters joining queues are advised to take precautions such as drinking water to remain hydrated and should take their prescription medicines.

Voters are advised to take extra precautionary measures to protect themselves as the country is currently experiencing the annual influenza (flu) season. Preventative measures such as wearing of masks, hand washing with an alcohol based sanitiser or practising social distancing are recommended.

As the country celebrates 30 Years of Freedom, we call on all 27.7 million registered voters to heed the clarion call to vote so that we can strengthen our democracy. This right to vote was never given for free and should never be taken for granted. Many women and men died and suffered for this right and the best way we can honour them is to show up and vote.

The impressive early indication of a significant youth cohort turnout and their enthusiasm demonstrated on social media platforms, is a clear demonstration of a nation invested in a future which is underpinned by a collective sense of the civic responsibility and active participation that comes with democracy.  

Your vote is your power and allows you to choose who will represent the interests of your community.  We should never forget that elections are our collective voice, and your vote has immense power to inspire a path that will lead to the growth of our country. This Election Day let your voice be heard and let your “X” speak for you.  

We further remind employers especially those in the services and retail sector to allow their employees to exercise their democratic right to cast their votes today.

We also appeal to those who have applied for IDs or want to apply for Temporary Identification Certificates to visit their local Home Affairs office today to collect them. The Department of Home Affairs’ offices have been open since 7am today and will remain open until 9pm to assist citizens with the necessary documents for voting.

Government is committed to ensuring a peaceful, free and fair election. Government, through the NATJOINTS, will act swiftly and decisively against those who would seek to disrupt elections. We call on everyone to respect the right to vote and warn those who aim to disrupt elections or intimidate voters, that they will face the full might of the law.

Ms Nomonde Mnukwa,  Acting Government Spokesperson
Cell: 083 653 7485

Issued by Government Communications


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