26 March 2018
26 March 2018
Government has scheduled the following briefings/activities for the week of 26 March – 01 April 2018. The activities, which are aligned to the National Development Plan and outlined in the Medium Term Strategic Framework 2014-2019, are undertaken to build a better South Africa.
- The Minister of Labour, Ms Mildred Oliphant, will on Monday, 26 March, brief the media on the progress regarding the National Minimum Wage Bills that are currently before Parliament. The briefing will take place at the Imbizo Media Centre, Parliament, and Cape Town at 18:00 pm. There will be a video link to Tshedimosetso House (GCIS), Pretoria. Parliament is currently in a process of considering both written and oral submissions from interested parties about the National Minimum Wages Bill, the Labour Relations Amendment Bill and the Basic Conditions of Employment Bill.
- The Minister of Environmental Affairs, Dr Edna Molewa, together with SASOL and Air Liquide will officially inaugurate the World’s First Oxygen Production Plant worth R2.9 billion on Monday, 26 March, in Secunda Mpumalanga at 10:00 am. The project is the largest investment of its nature by Air Liquide outside Europe. The socio-economic benefits of the project include: 3.7 million hours spent by contractors working on site; more than 20 highly qualified direct jobs to operate and maintain the plant; network of local companies to provide maintenance services and Air Liquide to provide more than R30 million in corporate social responsibility initiatives over the duration of this contract.
- The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Ms Lindiwe Sisulu, in her capacity as Chair of the SADC Council of Ministers, will on Monday, 26 March, host the meeting of SADC Council of Ministers at the OR Tambo Building, Pretoria. Members of the media who have applied for accreditation are invited to cover the opening sessions on 26 March and attend the post-Council media briefing on 27 March 2018.
- On Monday, 26 March, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) will launch a digital Certificate of Evaluation for the benefit of holders of foreign qualifications at a media briefing in GCIS Head Offices, Tshedimosetso House, Pretoria. SAQA is the first Qualifications Authority in the world to launch such a digital certificate. NB! There will be a video link to Imbizo Media Centre, Parliament, Cape Town.
- The Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies, will hold a media briefing on Monday, 26 March, on the Section 232 duties imposed by the US and on the launch of the African Continent Free Trade Area at 15:00 at Tshedimosetso House (GCIS), Pretoria with a link up to Imbizo Media Centre, Cape Town.
- President Cyril Ramaphosa will launch the pilot of the Youth Employment Services initiative at the Riversands hub in Diepsloot, on Tuesday, 27 March. The initiative, in collaboration with the private sector, aims to empower one million young people over the next five years to become economically active, either as a member of the workforce or running their own businesses or finding their passion for further study.
- On Tuesday, 27 March, at 10:00 am, the Department of Government Communication and Information System will host a panel discussion under the theme: “Celebrating the Centenary of Albertina Nontsikelelo Sisulu” at Tshedimosetso House (GCIS), Pretoria.
- The Department of Labour and its strategic partners will convene a national dialogue to develop a master plan and integrated national strategy on transition from informal economy to the formal economy. The dialogue will be addressed by Department of Labour Director General, Thobile Lamati. It will be held at Durban’s Elangeni Hotel from 26-28 March under the theme: “the future of the Informal Economy: Towards a roadmap to facilitate Transition from the Informal to the Formal Economy.”
- The Minister of Arts and Culture, Mr Nathi Mthethwa, in partnership with the National Heritage Council of South Africa will host Africa's first ever Southern African Development Community (SADC) Ministerial Roundtable on the African Liberation Heritage. The roundtable will take place from 27 - 29 March 2018 at St. George’s Hotel, Irene in Pretoria. Taking place under the theme: “Roads to Independence: The African Liberation Heritage -Towards An Integrated SADC Road Map to Africa we want” the occasion is expected to bring together Ministers of Arts and Culture, senior government officials and technical experts from the region to deliberate on the best strategy to effectively achieve the implementation of the African Liberation Heritage Programme as a collective.
- The Statistician-General of South Africa, Mr Risenga Maluleke, will release the Tourism satellite report at a media briefing to be held on Monday, 26 March in Tshedimosetso House (GCIS), Pretoria at 12:00 midday. The report provides an overview of the role that tourism plays in South Africa and also information on the contribution by tourism sector to the economy .NB! There will be a video link to Imbizo Media Centre, Parliament, Cape Town. The Statistician-General will also release the Mortality and causes of death in South Africa, 2016 report at a media briefing to be held on Tuesday, 27 March, at Statistics South Africa building (ISIbalo House), 1 Koch Street Salvokop Pretoria.
- The Deputy Minister of Environmental Affairs, Ms Barbara Thomson, will officially launch and handover the R10-million worth Mayibuye Game Reserve (MGR) in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal on Tuesday, 27 March 2018. A total of 76 job opportunities were created through the project, with 15 Field Rangers having been trained and employed. The beneficiary communities will have a 51% shareholding in the company, with an estimated monthly turnover of R 2.5 million.
- The Public Service Commission (PSC) will brief members of the media on the State of the Public Service at a media briefing to be held on Tuesday, 27 March at Floor 22, Absa Towers Building, Pretoria. The report titled “Pulse of the Public Service”, is based on the governance matters in the Public Service. The PSC will also update members of the media on service delivery inspections conducted for the period 01 October to 31 December 2017.
- The Deputy Minister of Tourism, Ms Elizabeth Thabethe, will host the Hospitality Youth Training graduations with Tourism Izimbizo in Kimberley on 26 March and Cape Town on 28 March.
- On Tuesday, 27 March, the Department of Water and Sanitation’s IGR officials, together with volunteers from CDWs and EPWP workers in Bela-Bela and representatives from the Tribal Authority will conduct a door-to-door campaign to educate the public about the drought and other water related issues.
- On Wednesday, 28 March, Deputy President David Mabuza will appear for his first oral questions session before the National Council of Provinces since his appointment.
All members of the media are advised that the media briefings/activities are subject to change. However, the GCIS will update the media through advisories.
Ms Phumla Williams
Acting GCIS Director-General
Cell: 083 501 0139
Issued by Government Communication and Information System
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