Public servants walk in the name of women and children
As part of the centenary celebrations for former President Nelson Mandela and struggle stalwart Mama Albertina Sisulu, and in response to the societal challenge of violence against women and children, the GCIS is organising a historic “100 Men March for Mandela and Sisulu, for no Violence Against Women and Children”.
Professional men across all sectors will mobilise in the 100 men march in solidarity to combat the scourge of violence against women and children. The march will serve as an invitation to all men and boys to respond to the “Send Me – Thuma Mina” rallying call and take a stand against the scourge of violence and abuse. It will project a visual image of men from diverse sectors, racial, political and religious backgrounds taking a united stance against gender-based violence.
Members of the media are invited to attend the march and media briefing:
Date: Thursday, 12 July 2018
Venue: Imbizo Hall, 120 Plein Street, Parliament
Time: 13:30
Gerzell Mathey
Cell: 0722763492
Peter Titus
Cell: 079 396 6623