Media release

Government congratulates Nwabisa Makunga on her appointment as the incoming Chairperson of the South African National Editors Forum (SANEF)

25 July 2024

Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) congratulates Ms Nwabisa Makunga who is the current Deputy Chairperson of the South African National Editors Forum on her appointment to the Chairperson of Sanef. 

The appointment of Nwabisa is a demonstration of her ability and capability. 

GCIS Acting Director-General, Nomonde Mnukwa said,” Nwabisa’s elevation to this important responsibility is an inspiration to many women journalists and proof that the media industry is making great strides in affirming gender equality. It is a further demonstration of the triumph of abilities over obstacles of women in the media sector. Ms Mnukwa added, ”She will lead a team responsible for representing those who are responsible for telling stories and representing the aspirations and wishes of the population, acting also as carriers of the messages of the voiceless and influencing the narratives of society and people of this country.” 

The media landscape is going through challenges, especially with the emergence of digital media and the impact of social media. SANEF is, amongst others, ceased with navigating challenges in the media sector such as declining revenues, shrinking media houses, fake news enabled by artificial Intelligence and other emerging threats to the information platforms. Ms Mnukwa concluded,” It is against this background that as the GCIS we look forward to further fostering our partnership with the forum and it office bearers, and the media as a whole. I want to reiterate that GCIS recognises the significant contributions made by SANEF in upholding press freedom, ethical journalism, and media diversity in South Africa.” 

Nomonde Mnukwa 
Acting Director-General at GCIS 
Cell: 083 653 7485 

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