Media release

Government responds to The Star’s article on Minister Nomvula Mokonyane office renovations

09 March 2018

9 Mar 2018

The Star reporting on Minister Mokonyane is sensational

Government notes the article published by The Star newspaper titled ‘Diva’ minister refuses to work in a carpeted office.

It is unfortunate that The Star has reduced itself to sensational reporting and also gave prominence to a story that is not newsworthy on its front page. The journalist, Sthembiso Sithole, found it fitting to elevate a story based on an unnamed source despite having authentic confirmation from the Department of Public Works and Minister Mokonyane’s spokesperson, Mlimandlela Ndamase that the authorisation to remove the carpets were due to health considerations. 

GCIS Acting Director-General, Phumla Williams, said: “This story in The Star is a form of yellow journalism, which uses eye-catching headlines for increasing sales. Despite having authentic confirmations from credible sources, the journalist chose to make it a sensational story loaded with inaccuracies. In the public service it is nothing unusual about such requests as government has always strived to ensure that its employees are working in a conducive environment which includes political principals.”

Government places on record that the renovation to the flooring in Minister Mokonyane’s office is due to health related reasons.

Phumla Williams
Acting Director-General
Cell: 083 501 0139

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