4 October 2015
On Monday, 05 October at 12h00, The Statistician-General, Mr Pali Lehohla, will release the three following periodic survey (conducted every three to five years) reports: electricity, gas and water supply industry (2013), post & telecommunication industry (2013) and the transport and storage industry (2013). The reports give the economic size, nature and structure of the various industries. They also provide detailed information on employment, trading income, expenditure, profit or loss, inventories, net value of assets, details of sales and services, details of purchases information and communication technology usage, and geographic distribution of each industry. The briefing will be held at Tshedimosetso House (GCIS), Pretoria with a video link up to Imbizo Media Centre, Cape Town.
In addition to these media briefings, Ministers participate in various public events. For a comprehensive list of national and provincial government activities visit www.gov.za.
Should there be changes in the information above, members of the media will be notified accordingly.
Mzobanzi Jikazana
Cell: 083 641 2355
Issued by Government Communication and Information System