Media release

Imbizo Focus Week upcoming events, 11 November 2016

10 November 2016

10 November 2016

The Imbizo Focus Week which is currently underway is being held under the theme “Together we move South Africa forward: “Our future – make it work“. The National Development Plan (NDP) is a long term vision and plan, it serves as a blueprint for the work that needs to be done to achieve a prosperous society for our country.

Government is implementing the NDP through levers including the Nine Point Plan aimed at igniting economic growth and creating much needed jobs, by enhancing capabilities of South Africans through skills development and access to quality education, and by building a responsive economic infrastructure as well as a capable state and active citizenry.

Tomorrow, the Hon Deputy President of the Republic Mr Cyril Ramaphosa, the Minister of Small Business Development, the Premier of Gauteng and the Deputy Minister of Tourism will launch the Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW). Every year in November, a week is dedicated to inspire millions of people from more than 160 countries through local, national and global activities designed to help them unleash their potential as entrepreneurs and innovators. Some of the key objectives of this year’s GEW include elevating the profile of promising entrepreneurs emerging from all parts of South Africa – and offering them an opportunity to connect with strategic partners to promote and nurture the culture of entrepreneurship aimed at enhancing the local entrepreneurial ecosystem and to advance collaborative research projects on advancing entrepreneurial activities.

The Minister of Public Enterprises will be in the Eastern Cape at Motherwell for a business engagement focusing on opportunities available for women and youth at State Owned Companies (SoCs) including Transnet, Eskom and Denel. SoCs play a fundamental role in growing and transforming the economy and developing South Africa’s infrastructure.

The Minister in the Presidency responsible for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation will lead a Frontline Service Delivery Monitoring and Community Imbizo in Gauteng at Chief Mogale Community Hall, Kagiso 2. The visit seeks to instill the culture of self-monitoring in departments so that improvements on the quality of service delivery is realized, with an overall aim of advancing planning, accountability, responsibility and reporting through monitoring.

The Deputy Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform will be in Mpumalanga at the Nokaneng Cotton and Agri-Park Project to engage with farmers, community and other agricultural stakeholders on land restitution, issuing of title deeds, recap projects, engagement with cotton growers and rural development projects.

The Deputy Minister of Transport will lead the R40 Road inspection and the handing over ceremony of basic essentials to the Bushbuckridge Old Age Centre in Mpumalanga. The visit forms part of the monitoring progress made by the South African National Roads Agency SOC Ltd (SANRAL) in upgrading and maintaining R40. The commitment to upgrade the road was made following the Presidential Siyahlola Programme in November 2015 that was held to assess progress on service delivery challenges in the Bushbuckridge Local Municipality. Amongst the challenges which were identified at the time were road infrastructure challenges.

The Deputy Minister for Rural Development and Land Reform will be in KwaZulu-Natal at the Margate Community Hall for a financial compensation handover event to celebrate the settlement of the Masinenge community land claim and the Mtshali family claim. The total value of the Masinenge settlement is R7, 100,608.00 for the benefit of 64 households who were verified as victims of land dispossession for purposes of Phase 2 settlement.

National Treasury will lead a workshop/information session with stakeholders in Gauteng focusing on Sugar Tax.

Government calls on community members to actively participate in building an ideal South Africa of 2030 and commit as SA citizen to play their part.

Follow @GovernmentZA on twitter for updates, the official hashtag for the campaign is #ImbizoWeek.

Michael Currin
Cell: 082 462 7896

Issued by Government Communication and Information Systems (GCIS)

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