Media release

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 26 March 2025

27 March 2025

A. Issues in the Environment

1. Economy

1.1    Investment

1.1.1    Cabinet expressed confidence in the resilience of the economy, as the country continues to forge partnerships to build key sectors and attract new investments.  
1.1.2    Cabinet also welcomed the launch of Google South Africa’s R2.5-billion cloud region in Johannesburg, which integrates South Africa into Google Cloud’s global network. This project is Google’s first in Africa and marks a significant investment in South Africa’s technology infrastructure.
1.1.3    Cabinet calls on all sectors to accelerate our country's path towards sustainable inclusive economic growth and job creation through increased investment and by reinforcing the many positives about our country.

1.2    Private Sector Participation in Rail and Port Freight Logistics Projects

1.2.1    Cabinet welcomed the launch of the Request for Information on Private Sector Participation in Rail and Port Freight Logistics Projects, as this is part of the critical reforms to improve South Africa’s logistics sector and thus improving economic growth through improved exports.
1.2.2    The Roadmap for Freight Logistics System in South Africa promotes the greater competition in rail and port terminal operations, which will attract private investment but strategic infrastructure such as rail lines and ports remain in public ownership.

1.3    Energy

1.3.1    Cabinet welcomed the addition of 800 megawatts of new generation capacity to the national grid after Eskom successfully brought Kusile Power Station’s final generation unit online. This will help stabilise the grid and strengthen our nation’s future energy security.

1.4    Quarterly Employment Statistics

1.4.1    Cabinet welcomed the increase in employment by 12 000 jobs to 10.64 million in the formal non-agricultural sector during the fourth quarter of 2024. The Stats SA’s Quarterly Employment Statistics reflected employment gains in the trade, business services, transport and the electricity sector.
1.4.2    Despite the modest improvement, full-time employment remains lower than it was a year ago. Cabinet has committed to drive structural reforms, and implement economic growth focused programmes in order to create conducive environment for job creation.

2.    Proclamation of the Climate Change Act, 22 of 2024

2.1    Cabinet welcomed the proclamation of the Climate Change Act, 2024 (Act 22 of 2024) by President Ramaphosa on Monday, 17 March 2025, which enables the development of effective climate change policies and the long-term plan for a transition to a low-carbon economy and society.
2.2    Cabinet also welcomed the International Partners Group (IPG), a coalition of countries comprising the United Kingdom, Germany, France and the EU, to fill the funding gap left by the US after its withdrawal from the Just Energy Transition Partnership.
2.3    The total international pledges to South Africa now amount to US$12.8 billion, which include more than US$9 billion from the IPG along with contributions from Spain, Switzerland and Canada.

3. International Relations

3.1    South Africa – Japan Relations

3.1.1    Cabinet welcomed the firmer ties between South Africa and Japan following Deputy President Paul Mashatile’s working visit to Japan from 17 to 19 March 2025 aimed at strengthening the existing cooperation between South Africa and Japan in areas of mutual interest.
3.1.2    Engagements were also held with the Japan International Cooperation Agency to explore areas of economic collaboration, the Association for African Economic Development in Japan to discuss trade and investment opportunities and the Japan Organisation for Metals and Energy Security to highlight investment opportunities in the mining sector.

4. Health

4.1    Hemp and Cannabis Food Product Regulations withdrawal 

4.1.1    Cabinet welcomed the withdrawal by the Department of Health of Regulations banning the sale of hemp and cannabis food product
4.1.2    Whilst acknowledging the negative impact of the unregulated sale of hemp and cannabis food products on possible consumption by children, such Regulations must be fully consulted, must not be in contempt of the Constitutional Court Judgement and must not contravene the Cannabis for Private Purposes Act.
4.1.3    The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development is coordinating an interdepartmental Draft Regulations for the implementation of the Cannabis for Private Purposes Act

4.2    Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD)

4.2.1    Cabinet was updated on the extension of the KwaZulu-Natal’s Disease Management Area (DMA) boundaries to curb further outbreaks of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD). 
4.2.2    The DMA has been expanded to include the following municipalities: Big Five Hlabisa; Mtubatuba; Nongoma; Ulundi; Umhlabuyalingana; Jozini; Pongola; Abaqulusi; Mfolozi; uMhlathuze; Mthonjaneni; Nqutu; Nkandla; uMlalazi and Mandeni.
4.2.3    No cloven-hoofed animals (cattle, sheep and goats), their products or genetic material may be moved from or within the DMA unless authorised by a state veterinary permit.

5. Justice, Crime Prevention and Security

5.1    Crime Prevention 

5.1.1    Cabinet welcomed the arrest of 12 892 suspects between 17 March and 23 March 2025 by the South African Police Service (SAPS) as part of Operation Shanela. 
5.1.2    These include 1 753 wanted suspects for serious and violent crimes such as murder, attempted murder, rape, business and house robberies. Additionally, 1 794 suspects were arrested for assault with Grievous Bodily Harm and 203 drug dealers were arrested. A further 1 507 suspects were arrested for possession of drugs and 115 suspects for the possession of illegal firearms.

5.2    Continuing Misinformation and Disinformation Campaigns 

5.2.1    Cabinet noted with concern continuing misinformation campaigns by Solidaritiet and AfriForum and their allies, and law enforcement agencies are investigating the violations of South African laws.
5.2.2    To prevent further misinformation, the South African Police Service met with AfriForum to clarify the allegations of white genocide with reference to farm murders. 
5.2.3    At the meeting AfriForum conceded that the crime statistics as released by the Minister of Police are accurate, including on farm murders.
5.2.4    It is common knowledge that some of the farm murders are committed by people known to the farmers including family members.
5.2.5    Cabinet is also aware of the false claim that there are approximately 72,000 white farmers who have signed up to relocate to the USA in response to the invitation by the US President. 
5.2.6    According to data, both from AgriSA and the Department of Agriculture, and StatsSA, South Africa only has 41,000 commercial farmers.

5.3    Fight Against Corruption

5.3.1    Cabinet welcomed the launched Border Management and Immigration Anti-Corruption Forum on 25 March 2025, as part of efforts to clamp down on corruption in border management and immigration.

B. Updates to Cabinet

1.1.    Group of Twenty (G20) SUMMIT PREPARATORY MEETINGS

1.1.1.    South Africa continues to host a series of high-level G20 meetings in the build-up to the G20 Summit in November 2025. Recent meetings were held as follows: 
1.1.2.    The First G20 Trade and Investment Working Group meeting took place virtually from 18 to 20 March 2025 and it discussed building inclusive economies, the successes and failures of the multilateral trade system over the last 30 years. It also discussed trade and inclusive growth, a responsive trade agenda, green industrialisation and the reform of the World Trade Organisation.
1.1.3.    A National Dialogue towards the Agricultural Working Group engagement and the G20’s Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists held on 18 March 2025 (virtually) and discussed agricultural sustainability, innovation and resilience. 
1.1.4.    The G20 International Financial Architecture Working Group met in Pretoria on 18 March to deliberate on Africa’s debt crisis. 
1.1.5.    South Africa hosted the preparatory meeting on 20 March 2025 for the African Union-Africa Water Investment Programme Water Investment Summit 2025 scheduled for August 2025. 
1.1.6.    The G20 Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group convened on 25th March 2025, and focused key environmental and climate change priorities. 
1.1.7.    The second G20 Health Working Group Meeting is currently underway until 28 March 2025. The meeting is deliberating on strengthening and promoting equitable access to health services.
1.1.8.    The G20 Digital Economy Working Group Task Force on Artificial Intelligence will take place in Gqeberha from 7 to 11 April 2025 to focus on digital transformation, and inclusive social and economic growth. 
1.1.9.    Cabinet also received an assessment report on the status and preservation of South Africa’s World Heritage sites in line with the G20 Minimum Standards for preparation and hosting of G20. Cabinet noted that seven out of twelve (12) South Africa’s World Heritage sites are ready to host G20 guests, but some refurbishment is required for an enhanced visitor experience

1.2.    8th South Africa – European Union (EU) Summit

1.2.1.    Cabinet welcomed the strengthening of the Strategic Partnership between South Africa and the EU at the 8th South Africa – EU Summit held on 13 March 2025 in South Africa. 
1.2.2.    The EU reiterated its support for South Africa’s G20 Presidency and the importance of the G20 as a global forum for international economic cooperation. 
1.2.3.    The EU also announced a R93,5-billion Global Gateway Investment Package to support strategic investment projects in clean and just energy transition, digital and physical connectivity infrastructure, and the local pharmaceutical industry.

2.    Progress report on the registration of spaza shops and other food handling outlets and interventions to curb foodborne illnesses  

2.1.    Cabinet received a progress report on the registration of spaza shops and other food-handling outlets as well as an update on the work that is being done to curb foodborne illnesses. 
2.2.    The registration process is completed unless for a person wishing to open a new spaza shop.

3.    Migration of South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) grant beneficiaries to new Postbank card  

3.1.    Cabinet received an update on the migration of SASSA grant beneficiaries to the new and secure Postbank black card. 
3.2.    The deadline for SASSA beneficiaries to swop their SASSA Gold Card for the Postbank Black Card has been extended to 30th April 2025 to allow SASSA and the Department of Social Development to complete the migration of the outstanding beneficiaries.

C. Cabinet decisions

1.    Phase 2 of Operation Vulindlela 

1.1.    Cabinet approved the focus areas of Operation Vulindlela, a joint initiative of the Presidency and National Treasury to drive structural reforms.
1.2.    The focus areas include the completion of outstanding work on Phase 1 in the areas of Energy, Water, Visa, and Logistics Reforms and new focus areas of Local Government, spatial inequality and digital transformation.
1.3.    Cabinet directed OV in consultation with relevant line Departments to consider additional reforms focus areas in Re-industrialisation and localisation, to unlock infrastructure build, and the oil and gas sector and exploration.
1.4.    Cabinet noted that South Africa remains the 8th country with the largest reserves of gas and the impeding gas cliff requires the country to build self provisioning capacity in gas. 
1.5.    Cabinet will also hold special meeting to focus on an Economic Growth Plan within the next four (4) weeks.

2.    Integrated National Water Quality Management Policy 

2.1.    Cabinet approved the implementation of the Integrated Water Quality Management Policy. The policy seeks to address water quality challenges as outlined in the 1997 White Paper on a National Water Policy for South Africa and the National Water Act,  
2.2.    The policy outlines a set of principles that form the basis for water quality management. It provides an alignment to all the relevant water-related legislation, and the country’s global commitments to the provision and conservation of water as a scarce resource.

3.    The South African Renewable Energy Masterplan (SAREM)

3.1.    Cabinet approved the South African Renewable Energy Masterplan (SAREM) for implementation. 
3.2.    The SAREM seeks to leverage the rising demand for renewable energy and storage technologies to promote industrialisation and localisation. 
3.3.    The masterplan focuses on solar and wind energy, lithium-ion, battery and vanadium-based battery storage technologies and is designed to be a living document. 
3.4.    Cabinet directed that additional work be done on the Masterplan to:
3.4.1.    Incentivise investors to fund renewable energy supplier development, 
3.4.2.    Include the development of green hydrogen fuel in order to meet the international obligation of 5% blended fuel in aviation and maritime sectors by 2030.

4.    Digital Transformation of Government Roadmap  

4.1.    Cabinet approved the Digital Transformation of Government Roadmap that aims to leverage technology to enhance public service delivery and government efficiency. Issues which are being addressed include: interdepartmental coordination, outdated systems, overlapping mandates and limited skills or capacity.
4.2.     It is designed to deliver a people-centered digital government that better understands the needs of the people, particularly vulnerable groups, by ensuring efficient and effective service delivery.

D. Bills

1.    Draft South African National Water Resources Infrastructure Agency (NWRIA) Amendment Bill 
1.1.    Cabinet approved the submission of the draft NWRIA Amendment Bill to Parliament. The amendments relate to the listing of the NWRIA as a Schedule 2 state-owned company.

E.  Appointments 

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and relevant security clearances.

1.    Mr Fhululani Peter Netshipale as Director-General in the Department of Socia Development.

2.    Members of the South African Council for the Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction: 
(a)      Ms Ditebogo Kgomo (Chairperson);
(b)     Dr Kelvin Kemm; 
(c)     Dr Alison Lubisi;
(d)     Mr Gian Marcon ;
(e)     Ms Kgaugelo Mogashoa;
(f)     Ms Elsie Monale; 
(g)     Mr Sandile Ndlovu;
(h)     Ms Deidre Penfold;
(i)     Ms Lizell Reinecke; 
(j)     Prof Bismark M Tyobeka; and 
(k)     Dr Jaqueline Weyer.

3.    Members to the South African Forestry Company Limited:  
(a)    Prof Edward Nesamvuni (Chairperson)
(b)    Mr Neeshan Balton (re-appointment)
(c)    Ms Lahlane Malema (re-appointment)
(d)    Mr Norman Baloyi;
(e)    Mr Leo Long;
(f)    Mr Ndyebo Grootboom;
(g)    Adv Nomazotsho Yvonne Memani;
(h)    Mr Zwintayo Madula;
(i)    Ms Sharon Mkhize; and 
(j)    Ms Ntombifuthi Nkosi.

F. Upcoming events

1.   World Tuberculosis (TB) Day 

1.1.    South Africa commemorated World TB Day on 24 March 2025 under the theme “Yes! You and I Can End TB: Commit, Invest, Deliver”. 
1.2.    Cabinet is pleased that South Africa has reduced its TB incidence rate by 57% in 2023 to meet the World Health Organisation target of reducing TB incidence by 50% from 2015 to 2025. Our large antiretroviral programme has contributed to better TB outcomes, including successful treatment and reduced mortality.
1.3.    Cabinet calls on all South Africans to visit their nearest clinic or hospital for free TB screening.

2.    Water and Sanitation Indaba (27 -28 March 2025)

2.1.    The Water and Sanitation Indaba 2025 will be held on 27 and 28 March 2025 at the Gallagher Estate under the theme: “Water Security and Provision.” 
2.2.    The Indaba will advance commitments made in the 2025-2029 Medium-Term Development Plan (MTDP) and Operation Vulindlela 2.0, as part of the Seventh Administration’s turnaround strategy for the water sector.
2.3.    The Indaba will also measure progress made in the Action Plan of the Water Summit 2024 and reflect on the Blue, Green and No Drop reports in December 2023.

3.    Women Economic Assembly (WECONA)

3.1.    The WECONA, which advocates for equal economic participation of women in the mainstream economy to curb the scourge of gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF), will take place on 28 March 2025.
3.2.    The national initiative brings together companies, government departments, organisations and individuals to create pathways for women-owned businesses to participate in the economy.

4.    Freedom Month 

4.1.    South Africa will celebrate Freedom Month in April and our Freedom Day on the 27th April 2025. 
4.2.    Freedom Day and Freedom Month are a momentous occasion to celebrate as one nation, as our country marks the founding of a united, non-racial, non-sexist and democratic South Africa that is committed to the the values of human dignity, non-racialism and non-sexism, and the respect of the rule of law as espoused in our Constitution . 
4.3.    This year’s Freedom Day celebrations National event will take place in Mpumalanga and it will also mark the conclusion of the year-long celebration of 30 Years of Freedom and Democracy.

5.    The African Children’s Summit (3 – 7 April 2025)

5.1.    South Africa will host The African Children’s Summit (ACS) in Johannesburg from 3 to 7 April 2025. 
5.2.    South Africa was selected as the location for the next Summit, with the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund as the lead Civil Society Organisation.
5.3.    Participants from across the continent will convene for this child-led conference to facilitate dialogue between policymakers and children

6.    17th International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ) Biennial Conference

6.1.    South Africa will host the 17th IAWJ Biennial Conference in Cape Town from 9 to 12 April 2025 under the theme: “Resilience: Women in Leadership to End GBVF”.
6.2.    The conference, hosted by the South African Chapter of the IAWJ, brings together judges and legal professionals from around the world. It will explore ways to end GBVF by championing women’s rights, and leadership. The conference will feature legal luminaries such as Chief Justice Mandisa Maya.

7.    Presidential Oversight Visit to Nelson Mandela Bay Metro

7.1.    President Ramaphosa will undertake a Presidential Oversight Visit to Gqeberha on 15 and 16 April 2025 to assess progress on service delivery, challenges and opportunities for inclusive economic growth.  
7.2.    The Presidential Oversight Visit will be attended by leaders from all three spheres of government and provides an opportunity for government to interact with residents.

8.    Africa Green Hydrogen Summit (12 - 13 June 2025)

8.1.    South Africa will host the inaugural Africa Green Hydrogen Summit from 12 to 13 June 2025. 
8.2.    The Africa Green Hydrogen Summit aims to promote regional collaboration, facilitate technology sharing, capacity-building and to enable market access in the green hydrogen sector.

G.    Messages

1.    Congratulations

Cabinet extended its congratulations and well-wishes to:

1.1.    Her Excellency, President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah on her inauguration President of Namibia. She is also the first female President of her country, who appointed the first-ever female Vice President, Her Excellency Lucia Witbooi and a female-dominated Cabinet. 
1.2.    Teams South Africa for their outstanding performance at the 2025 Special Olympics World Winter Games in Italy and the World Athletics Indoor Championship in China. 
1.2.1.     At the Special Olympics World Winter Games, South Africa won one gold, three silver and two bronze medals:
a)    Naledi Hlalele won gold in Figure Skating;
b)    Bianca Basson and Kenneth Mokabo won silver in Figure Skating;
c)    Shane Bentley won silver in Short Track Speed Skating; 
d)    Tyrell Sykes won bronze in Figure Skating; and 
e)    Shirnel Swarts won bronze in Short Track Speed Skating.

1.2.2.    Team SA at the World Athletics Indoor Championship in China, won as follows: 
a)    Prudence Sekgodiso delivered a historic win by being the first South African woman to win a gold medal at the World Athletics Indoor Championships in the 800m.
b)    Akani Simbine for winning the bronze medal in the 60m final at the World Athletics Indoor Championships.
c)    Magnificent efforts were also achieved by Cheswill Johnson in the men’s long jump and Chris van Niekerk in the shot put.
1.3.    Youth sprinting sensation Bayanda Walaza, who broke through the sub-10 barrier, clocking the fifth worlds-fastest junior 100 meter and South Africa’s Under-20 record at 9.99 seconds to win Gold at the Athletics Gauteng North Championships.
1.4.    Rassie Erasmus for being named Coach of the Year for 2024 at the SA Rugby Awards.
1.5.    Springbok Cheslin Kolbe for becoming the first backline player since 2013 to win the 2024 SA Rugby Men’s Player of the Year.
1.6.    Nadine Roos for being honoured as SA Rugby Women’s Player of the Year for 2024, the second time in three years.
1.7.    Bafana Bafana for topping Group C in the 2026 FIFA World Cup Qualifiers with a 2-0 triumph over Lesotho at the full-to-capacity Peter Mokaba Stadium.
1.8.    South African singer Tyla Laura Seethal, popularly known as Tyla, named World Artist of the Year at the iHeartRadio Music Awards.

2.    Condolences

Cabinet expressed condolences to the friends and family of:

2.1.    Ms Yolanda Nyembezi, popularly known as Yallunder, was a multifaceted musician who captivated audiences with her rich voice and passionate artistry.
2.2.    Mr Ashwin Trikamjee, President of the South African Hindu Maha Sabha and Chairperson of the National Religious Leaders Forum. A Human Rights Lawyer. He was also instrumental in the development of football (soccer) in South Africa. As an Anti-Apartheid activist, he led the Durban Central component of the Natal Indian Congress. 
2.3.    The six (6) community patrollers who were killed and sends well wishes for speedy recovery to the other six (6) who are injured at the Marry Me informal settlement in Soshanguve. The deceased are Mpho Johannes Koko, Phelemon Seshoka, Katlego Motloutsi, Andries Moreteledi Tlhabane, Siliky Ngoeng, and one person whose identity is still unknown. Two (2) people linked to the crime have been arrested and appeared in Court on Wednesday, 26 March 2025. 
2.4.    Mr James O'Connell, the pilot who was killed when his Impala Mark 1 aeroplane crashed while performing at the West Coast 

Ms Nomonde Mnukwa – Acting Government Spokesperson
Mobile: 083 653 7485

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