Media release

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of Wednesday, 9 October 2024

10 October 2024

A. Issues in the environment

1. Economy
1.1. South Africa: An Investment Destination of Choice
1.1.1. Cabinet reflected on the positive investor sentiments emanating from President Cyril Ramaphosa and Deputy President Paul Mashatile’s working visits to New York in the USA and London in the United Kingdom (UK), respectively. 
1.1.2. The President’s programme, on the margins of the 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), included opportunities to promote South Africa as an investment destination of choice such as in his address to the New York Stock Exchange – the largest stock exchange in the world by market capitalisation. 
1.1.3.  The Deputy President’s investment drive to the UK and Ireland also included an address to the London Stock Exchange (LSE) about the need to expand their investment footprint to South Africa. The LSE was the most valued stock exchange in Europe from 2023.
1.1.4. Both President Ramaphosa and Deputy President Mashatile, and the delegation that accompanied them, articulated the priorities of the Government of National Unity, with the apex priority being achieving inclusive economic growth and job creation, and the concomitant initiatives underway to achieve the set priorities. They further set out work that is underway through the programme of structural reforms to create favourable conditions for investment. The programme of structural reforms is coordinated through Operation Vulindlela by The Presidency and National Treasury.

1.2.  Government-Business Partnership Phase 2
1.2.1. Cabinet welcomed the launch of Phase 2 of the Government- Business Partnership aimed at implementing priority interventions across selected focal areas to accelerate the country’s path towards inclusive economic growth and job creation, through increased investment and rapid implementation of reforms, to improve national sentiment. 
1.2.2.  Working in support of government interventions, more than 130 Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of major South African businesses mobilised resources, including expertise to address the electricity load-shedding crisis that is now a thing of the past, support the implementation of the Logistics and Freight Roadmap, the Visa Reform, and the fight against crime and corruption during Phase 1.

1.3. Visa Reforms Gazetted 
1.3.1. Cabinet welcomed the gazetting of South Africa’s new visa regime as a key step towards attracting international skills and investment, growing tourism and creating jobs.
1.3.2. The Minister of Home Affairs, Dr Leon Schreiber, has gazetted the reforms, which constitute another success under Operation Vulindlela.

1.4. Enforcement of Labour Laws
1.4.1. Cabinet commended intensified joint inspection efforts led by the Department of Employment and Labour (DEL) to ensure that employers comply with recruitment requirements. 
1.4.2. Since the beginning of the Seventh Administration, the DEL has issued fines worth more than R10 million to errant employers within the hospitality industry who continue to employ undocumented immigrants. These inspections are similar to those being conducted in the trucking industry to ensure that employers uphold the provisions of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 (Act 75 of 1997).
1.4.3. The inspections also revealed instances of non-compliance to Labour Laws that include underpayment of wages, unlawful deductions, and inadequate health and safety measures at the workplace.

1.5. Temporary Employer-Employee Relief Scheme (TERS)
1.5.1. Cabinet welcomes the increase in the budget for the TERS from R400 million to R2.4 billion in the current financial year. 
1.5.2. The increase is part of the government’s proactive response to help preserve jobs by assisting companies that find themselves in financial distress due to difficult economic conditions and thereby minimise retrenchments.

2. Fight against crime and corruption 
2.1. Crime
2.1.1. Cabinet condemned the murders of eighteen (18) people in Lusikisiki and six (6) community patrollers in Qumbu in the Eastern Cape in mass shooting incidents. 
2.1.2. Cabinet welcomed the swift deployment of a team of specialist law-enforcement officers to investigate these shooting incidents, whose work is already bearing fruits, with one suspect directly linked to the murder of 18 people in Lusikisiki having already appeared in court.
2.1.3. Cabinet welcomed the successes of intelligence-led operations conducted in the Verulam and High-Flats areas in KwaZulu-Natal. In the Verulam operation, police confronted a mastermind and one of the most wanted suspects in most of the Cash-In-Transit robberies in KwaZulu-Natal. The suspect was killed in a shootout after he opened fire on the police. Similarly, two (2) suspects in the murder of seven (7) people in the High-Flats case were killed in a shootout with the police.
2.1.4. Cabinet is encouraged by the continued success of Operation Shanela. In the past week, over 10 000 suspects were arrested for various offences such as murder, rape, possession of illegal firearms, business robberies and drug mules for possession of cocaine at our ports of entry.
2.1.5. Cabinet further commended a joint operation in Limpopo that led to the discovery of a drug laboratory in Lebowakgomo, where drugs to the value of approximately R4 million were seized and three (3) suspects arrested.

2.2. Fight Against Corruption
2.2.1. Cabinet welcomed the arrest of six engineering firm directors accused of Black Economic Empowerment fronting and tender fraud of R400 million at Eskom and Sasol.

2.3. Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF)
2.3.1. The landmark sentencing of convicted serial rapist Nkosinathi Phakathi to 42 life terms by the Gauteng High Court sends a strong warning to perpetrators of GBVF that our nation will not be held to ransom by their heinous acts. 
2.3.2. Cabinet calls on all South Africans to report all perpetrators of GBVF crimes or any form of violence against vulnerable persons – a child, older person or person with a disability – to a local police station or call the toll-free Crime Stop number: 086 00 10111.

3. Governance 
3.1. In fulfilling the commitment made during The Presidency’s Budget Vote Speech to work closely with provincial and local governments to address service delivery challenges, President Ramaphosa will lead a delegation of Cabinet members to engage with Premiers and Members of the Provincial Executive Committees.
3.2. The first visit will be to Limpopo on Friday, 1 November 2024 and will be followed by a visit to KwaZulu-Natal on Thursday, 7 November 2024.

4. Social protection 
4.1. Adverse Weather Conditions 
4.1.1. Cabinet has encouraged South Africans to remain alert and adhere to weather warnings from the South African Weather Service. The country continues to experience inclement weather conditions ranging from unusual snowfalls, flooding, rainstorms, damaging winds and heat waves due to the effects of climate change. The weather alerts are communicated across all media platforms, including community radio stations.
4.1.2. Cabinet will soon receive a revised Integrated Disaster Management and Response Strategy that will cover disaster mitigation and response, including funding for disaster recovery.

4.2. Inaugural South African National Urban Forum on the Global Habitat and Urban Agenda
4.2.1. The departments of Human Settlements, and Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, South African Cities Network and the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) hosted the three-day Inaugural South African National Urban Forum on Global Habitat and Urban Agenda, and the South African Urban Policy. The forum gathered key social partners to address the challenges and leverage opportunities of rapid urbanisation in South Africa.
4.2.2. The forum highlighted the strategic importance of managing rapid urbanisation in the context of responding to other mega trends such as climate change, smart mobility and technology.

4.3.  Repatriation of the Remains of South Africa’s Freedom Fighters 
4.3.1. Cabinet welcomed the return of the remains of our freedom fighters who were buried while in exile in Zimbabwe and Zambia. The return of their remains to a free and democratic South Africa is a realisation of the Preamble of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996, which enjoins us ‘to heal the divisions of the past and establish a society based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights.’
4.3.2. This initiative is part of the Exile Repatriation Project, which aims to allow the country and families to honour the memories of those who fought for freedom and justice, and for government to honour and restore the legacy of those who sacrificed their lives for the country’s freedom.
4.3.3. South Africa remains indebted to the international solidarity of all countries that provided freedom fighters shelter, support and final resting places.

4.4. Sport
4.4.1. Cabinet calls on South Africans to show their support for Mamelodi Sundowns and Bafana Bafana goalkeeper Ronwen Williams, who has been nominated as one of the 10 best goalkeepers in the world at the Ballon d’Or awards for the Yachine Trophy, by casting their votes on…
4.4.2. Williams is the first South African player to be nominated for the Yachine Trophy at the Ballon d’Or awards. The 68th edition of the awards ceremony will take place on 28 October 2024. Until then, we can vote for Williams in both English and French.

5. International Affairs
5.1. UNGA Resolution on Israel/Palestine
5.1.1. Cabinet welcomed the UNGA’s historic resolution that declared Israel’s occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza unlawful, and mandated the complete withdrawal of Israeli settlers and soldiers.
5.1.2. This resolution is not only significant for South Africa’s case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) but developed countries such as Spain, Belgium and Japan joined most of the countries of the global South to support the resolution.

5.2. Working Visit to the Kingdom of Lesotho 
5.2.1. Cabinet noted President Ramaphosa’s Working Visit to the Kingdom of Lesotho on Friday, 4 October 2024, at the invitation of His Majesty King Letsie III. During the visit, the President attended the 58th Lesotho Independence Day and Bicentennial Celebration, and also delivered remarks during the celebrations to commemorate the Basotho Nation’s rich heritage.

5.3. Ongoing Conflict in Sudan
5.3.1. Cabinet noted the escalation of conflict in Sudan and called upon all Sudanese to adhere to the guidelines of the AU and Intergovernmental Authority on Development to end the conflict. South Africa stands ready to offer its expertise to assist parties, role players and other relevant stakeholders to collectively work towards finding lasting peace in Sudan.

B. Updates to Cabinet

1. Report on completion of Lifestyle Audits by members of the Senior Management Service (SMS)
1.1. Cabinet was briefed on the progress with the completion of e-Disclosures by members of the SMS and commended the progress that included full compliance by 147 out of a total 160 national and provincial departments, and noted investigations that are underway for non-compliant members.
1.2. Cabinet urged the Department of Public Service and Administration to consider piloting the extension of the eDisclosure system to municipalities.

2. Report on the establishment of a Central Register for Discipline across the three spheres of government 
2.1. Cabinet received an update on progress with the establishment of a Central Register for Discipline across the three spheres of government and supported a proposal to interface the Central Register for Discipline with government’s PERSAL system and the local government’s payroll systems, to have a line of sight on the recruitment of implicated, resigned or dismissed officials.

C. Cabinet Decisions


1. Draft South African National Petroleum Company (SANPC) Bill 
1.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the SANPC Bill of 2024 to Parliament. The Bill provides for the establishment of a state-owned company, giving effect to the Cabinet decision of 10 June 2020 to merge PetroSA, South African Gas Development Company (iGas) and the Strategic Fuel Fund Association. 
1.2. Local refining capacity in South Africa is largely held by International Oil Companies (IOCs), which poses a risk to security of liquid fuels as IOCs are shutting down refineries. The proposed Bill positions the SANPC as the national champion that will hold oil and gas exploration rights on its own and hold shares through State carry method in privately held rights.

2. Draft Petroleum Products Bill of 2024 
2.1. Cabinet approved the publication of the draft Petroleum Products Bill for public comments. The purpose of the Bill is to ensure security of petroleum products and orderly development of the petroleum products sector, including the introduction of modern, cleaner products and renewable components which will improve the energy mix. 
2.2. The Bill will contribute towards the government priorities on economic transformation and job creation in the South African petroleum products sector governance and will also address several concerns that were raised in relation to the administration of the Petroleum Products Act, 1977 (Act 120 of 1977).

3. Mine Health and Safety Amendment Bill 
3.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the draft Mine Health and Safety Amendment Bill to Parliament. 
3.2. The draft Bill seeks to amend the Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act 29 of 1996) by streamlining administrative processes, strengthening enforcement provisions, reinforcing offences and penalties, and amending certain definitions. 
3.3. The draft Bill will, among others, guarantee that health and safety standards are effectively implemented, enforced and improved in mines, thereby reducing fatalities, injuries and occupational diseases.

D. Appointments

All appointments are subject to verification of qualification and relevant security clearance.  

1.    Mr Nkululeko Lwazi Mahlangu as Deputy Director-General: Governance, Risk and Compliance in the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure. 
2. Appointment of members to the board for the Limpopo-Olifants Catchment Agency: 
(a) Adv Thato Goodness Moeeng (Chairperson);
(b) Mr Nandha Govender (Deputy Chairperson);
(c) Mr Francois Joubert;
(d) Ms Phathutshedzo Mudzanani;
(e) Dr Vhahangwele Bologo Akwinekomi;
(f) Mr Nkhangweni Lawrence Rambau;
(g) Mr Dikgole Timothy Seroka;
(h) Adv Reinette Mary Rosey; and 
(i) Adv Elanie Broekman.

E. Upcoming Events

1. Transport Month
1.1. This year marks the 19th anniversary of the October Transport Month under the theme: “Doing more together”. The events will focus on showcasing public infrastructure and ongoing improvements in public services through collaboration with all stakeholders. 
1.2. Significant progress is being made in the freight environment since the establishment of the Transnet War Room, with an improved performance in its freight rail and ports operations.
1.3. Government will also showcase significant road construction projects, including the N2/N3 upgrades in KwaZulu-Natal and the Moloto Road, which links Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Limpopo provinces. 
1.4. The Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa has also made significant progress with the reopening of priority lines including the Germiston-Katlehong-Kwesine Line, which is in the test phase, and the Cape Town Central Line, which is planned for completion by end of the financial year.

2. Social Development Month

2.1. October is also Social Development Month and government aims to create awareness of the Department of Social Development’s Portfolio of Services.
2.2. Over the month, there will be community visits to various areas around the country to link communities to social services, upliftment programmes and undertake community dialogues, mobilisation and advocacy programmes to improve the quality of life of affected communities.

3. Annual National Oral History Conference 
3.1. South Africa is hosting the 2024 Annual National Oral History Conference from 7 to 11 October 2024 in Ulundi, KwaZulu-Natal.
3.2. At this year’s conference, special attention will be given to those aspects of the nation’s memory that are not recorded, preserved and conserved in the national and provincial archives.

4. Mental Health Awareness Month
4.1.  October is Mental Health Awareness Month, which aims to educate the public about mental health and encourage them to take care of their mental health. We encourage South Africans to seek help and support, and to respect those who suffer from mental illnesses.

5. Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Summit 
5.1. President Ramaphosa will attend the 2024 BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia from 22 to 24 October 2024.
5.2. The 16th Summit under theme: “Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security”, will discuss issues about trade, global political matters and advancing cooperation between member countries.

6. Media Freedom Day
6.1. On Saturday, 19 October 2024, South Africa will observe Media Freedom Day to mark the events of 19 October 1977 (Black Wednesday) that banned 19 Black Consciousness Movement organisations and two (2) newspapers. A democratic South Africa has made significant progress to advance media freedom and freedom of expression. The right to freedom of expression is entrenched entrenched in South Africa’s Constitution.

7. District Development Model (DDM) Presidential Imbizo
7.1. President Ramaphosa will lead a DDM Presidential Imbizo to Umgababa in the eThekwini Metropolitan in KwaZulu-Natal on Friday, 8 November 2024.
7.2. Cabinet calls on residents of Umgababa and surrounding areas to join the imbizo and engage their public representatives on solutions to challenges in their community, and find ways to improve service delivery.

8. National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations 
8.1. Cabinet wishes the Class of 2024 well with the start of their matric exams on 21 October 2024, and calls on parents and guardians to support learners during this critical period in their academic journey. 
8.2. The NSC remains invaluable, and it opens numerous exciting options to our young people.


1. Congratulations
Cabinet extended its congratulations and well wishes to:

  • the South African Legal Team at the ICJ for being awarded the 4th Steve Biko/Frantz Fanon Award for Psychological Liberation. The award is for their work to uphold the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in Gaza. The members of the team are: John Dugard SC; Adila Hassim SC; Tembeka Ngcukaitobi SC; Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh KC, Max du Plessis SC, Vaughan Lowe KC, Tshidiso Ramogale, Sarah Pudifin-Jones and Lerato Zikalala.
  • professors Salim Abdool Karim and Quarraisha Abdool, for winning the prestigious Lasker Award for public service in recognition of their groundbreaking life-saving HIV research
  • Relebogile Maloma, a brave Grade 3 learner undergoing chemotherapy and her teacher, Ms Nqobile Mbatha, for jointly receiving the Minister's Special #MyTeacher Award for their inspiring story. Despite her battle with cancer, Relebogile, with Ms Mbatha’s unwavering support, managed to keep up with her schoolwork while in the hospital. Ms Mbatha ensured that Relebogile did not fall behind, helping her to stay connected to her lessons and classmates. Through this extraordinary effort, Relebogile not only kept pace but excelled, finishing in the top 10 of her class – all from her hospital bed. Their story is a powerful testament to the transformative impact of compassionate and dedicated teaching, and the resilience of the human spirit.
  • Ms Melisa Carol Du Plessis (Excellence in Teaching Grade R); 
  • Ms Bonisiwe Happiness Maphumulo (Excellence in Primary School Teaching); 
  • Ms Nthabiseng Mavis Mateba (Excellence in Life Skills Teaching, Grade 1-6);
  • Ms Koliwe Doris Mbatha (Excellence in Primary School Leadership);
  • Mr Thapelo Jacob Mthimkhulu (Excellence in Secondary School Teaching);
  • Ms Rose Martha De Jonker (Excellence in Secondary School Leadership); 
  • Mr Tiisetso Daniel Chaka (Excellence in Special Needs Teaching); 
  • Mr Mbongiseni Cyril Dlamini (Excellence in Special Needs Leadership), 
  • Mr Itumeleng Esau Jr Komane (Excellence in Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning); 
  • Ms Maserole Mojela (Excellence in Teaching Natural Sciences); 
  • Ms Motlatso Lucia Maake (Excellence in Teaching Physical Science); 
  • Mr Ethon Alexander (Excellence in Teaching Mathematics, GET); 
  • Mr Sithembiso Eugene Mahlalelo (Excellence in Teaching Mathematics, FET); 
  • Mr Derek Swart (Kader Asmal Lifetime Achievement); and 
  • Ms Ntombozuko Mkizwana (National Best Teacher Award). 
  • The Springboks, our national rugby team, on their resounding win against Argentina and for being crowned the 2024 Rugby Champions. 
  • South Africa’s Under 20 Men’s National Soccer Team, commonly known as Amajita, for being crowned TotalEnergies CAF Under-20 Africa Cup of Nations champions, and qualifying for the 2025 U-20 Africa Cup of Nations competition. 
  • Motorsport South Africa, for securing a new World Rally-Raid Championship (W2RC) event, which will now also take place in South Africa in 2025.
  • Zoalize Jansen van Rensburg, for being crowned Miss World South Africa 2024. Zoalize is 18 years old and will represent the country at the 72nd Miss World Pageant in February 2025.
  • the winners of the various categories of the inaugural SAICA South African in Australia Awards. The CEO Award went to Manana Johnson for her embodiment of diverse qualities in the areas of community building, Ubuntu, social impact and youth engagement.

2. Condolences

  • Cabinet expressed its condolences to the Government and people of the Democratic Republic of Congo following a boating tragedy on Lake Kivu on Saturday, 5 October 2024, which claimed lives.
  • Cabinet expressed its condolences to the family and friends of: 
    •    Renowned Pastor Ray McCauley, founder of the Rhema Bible Church and former Co-Chairperson of the National Interfaith Council of South Africa.
    •    Former Judge Willem Heath – who chaired the Heath Commission of Enquiry into corruption, fraud and maladministration in the Eastern Cape, and also headed the Special Investigating Unit from 1997 to 2001
    •    Gospel icon Solomon Molokoane, popularly known by stage name ‘Solly Moholo’, who gave us inspiration, healing and entertainment through his music. 
    •    Siphiwe ‘General GTZ’ Sibisi, who was the last surviving member of the Kwaito group Chiskop, which played a foundational role in the development of Kwaito music in the country.

3. Public Announcement
a. Cabinet is calling on all people in our country to use water sparingly as South Africa remains a water-scarce country and we are currently experiencing water shortages. In particular, we urge the residents of Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal, where level one (1) and level two (2) water restrictions have been applied, to adhere to the prescribed restrictions.
b. Water is life, use it responsibly.

Ms Nomonde Mnukwa 
Acting Government Spokesperson
Mobile: 083 653 7485

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