Media release

Your country needs you to stand up and vote

28 May 2024

All systems are in place to ensure that South Africans will have an opportunity to exercise their democratic right to vote on Wednesday 29 May 2024. A number of measures have been put in place so that citizens can safely and securely cast their vote in the year that the country celebrates 30 Years of Freedom.

The right to vote was fought for during our country’s liberation struggle and came at an extremely high price as many of our country men and women sacrificed their lives for us to have this right. Voting is about our future and putting in place a government which builds a better life for its people, a life materially better than in the years before democracy.  As a nation we should rightfully be proud of our democracy which gives a voice to everyone.

Government thanks all South Africans who cast their vote yesterday and today as part of the country’s special votes.  Those who were approved for special votes but did not have the opportunity to cast their ballot can still do so tomorrow.

Government calls on all South Africans, especially young and first-time voters, to exercise their democratic right to vote. In the run up to the elections there has been a massive civil education drive by the Department of Basic Education in partnership with the Independent Electoral Commission. This has resulted in almost all the Class of 2024 (539 000) young people aged 18 and 19 years old - registered to vote. In collaboration with the Department of Home Affairs all eligible youth in school have been provided with their ID document to ensure they are able to participate in this national milestone.

The Department of Home Affairs extended operational hours and opened until 7pm today and will tomorrow, Wednesday 29 May 2024, open until 9pm to allow eligible voters to collect their smart ID cards or green ID books.  We thank all South Africans who have already taken up the opportunity at various Hime Affairs branches across the country, to collect their ID documents. Temporary identification certificates can also be obtained for R70 and are issued immediately for use. Voters can call the Home Affairs toll-free number 0800 60 11 90 for more information.

Government would also like to thank all its stakeholders, including the media and civil society organisations that have played a crucial role in actively advocating for a free and fair campaigning process. Government also thanks our Traditional and Khoi-San leaders for the role they have played in ensuring voters exercise their democratic right. Since 1994 Traditional and Khoi-San leaders have been instrumental in our society and we call on them to continue to encourage all eligible voters to participate in the elections tomorrow.

The seventh democratic election is a turning point in the history of the country’s democracy due to the expansion of electoral participation, which broadened the pool of leadership choices for national and provincial elections. This is a testament to the vibrant and inclusive democracy the country has built over the past three decades.

In addition to polling stations being opened throughout the country, voting will also take place in prisons.  A total of 14 753 inmates at correctional facilities have registered to vote in the elections, and they will get a chance to cast their ballot on Wednesday 29 May 2024.

Government is ready to combat and prevent any threats to the election such as intimidation, public violence, clashes, or community protests, and we remain convinced that citizens will be free to make their mark for democracy on 29 May 2024.

Law enforcement agencies through the NATJOINTS have made the necessary plans to safeguard the election process; this includes securing voting stations through static deployments, along with escorting voter material and IEC staff.

Government strongly condemns the illegal demonstrations yesterday that sought to undermine our democratic process. These actions are unacceptable and citizens are assured that necessary measures are in place to prevent such occurrences. Citizens with legitimate grievances are encouraged to constructively raise these within available channels. Government calls on communities to be vigilant and to avoid being manipulated by those bent on committing criminal acts under the guise of a legitimate protest. 

Citizens are urged to demonstrate tolerance by respecting each other's right to vote and uphold the democratic principles that our country stands for. The public is urged to conduct themselves in a peaceful manner and allow the IEC to do its work freely without any intimidation.

With only a few hours left before the polls open for voting, we call on all eligible voters to go out in their numbers and vote to strengthen our democracy and determine their future. Elections are our collective voice, and your vote has immense power to build the South Africa we all want.

As South Africa proudly celebrates 30 years of freedom and democracy, let us celebrate our democracy by exercising our right to vote and ensuring a better future for all. Your vote is your voice - let it be heard!
Acting GCIS Director-General, Nomonde Mnukwa said, “Voting is one of the most visible means to be an active citizen and to make your voice heard, let us therefore come out in our numbers and renew our democracy.”

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