The following tenders/bids have been awarded during the 2011/2012 financial year:
Bid | Service item required | Awarded to | Price (R) |
010/2011/2012 | Appointment of a service provider for the distribution of government Communication & Information Products | CTP Limited | R13 441 980.00 |
009/2011/2012 | Purchase of Audio Visual and Video Conferencing Equipment for GCIS Imbizo room in Cape Town (Parliament) | Dimension Data | R2 129 184.54 |
Companies that submitted proposals 1. Datacentrix 2. Omega Fire & Security 3. Sive Infrastructure Services 4. Interactive Technologies 5. Dimension Data 6. Altitude at work 7. Shellard Media 8. Feleti Management Risk Solutions |
003/2011/2012 | The printing of the Public Sector Manager Magazine | Shereno Printers | R1 190 650.20 |
002/2011/2012 | Rendering of cleaning services for a period of 7 months to GCIS at Midtown building, 356 Vermeulen Street, Pretoria | Masana Hygiene Services | R373 880.78 |
001/2011/2012 | National qualitative research | Quest Research Services | R948 127.97 |
Bids awarded in the other financial years can be found as follows: