Anniversary review

13 June 2000

On the occasion of the anniversary of the inauguration of South Africa’s second democratically elected government and the Parliamentary Debate on The Presidency, the following information has been gathered from Departments and is being issued for reference purposes.

JK Netshitenzhe
082 900 0083

Issued by: Government Communications (GCIS)

Media releases

Launch of MPCC in Worcester

24 March 2000

Government will be opening a total of 20 Multi-Purpose Community Centres across the country in the next year. And the next three years will see a total of 55 MPCC's launched country wide, mostly in rural districts, to ensure that government's services reaches the poorest of the poor.

Today marked the successful launch of the third MPCC in Zwelithemba at Worcester in the Western Cape.

Media releases

GCIS on media briefings at Parliament

26 January 2000

The Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) will be holding media briefings for Ministers from 7 to 11 February 2000 at the Tuynhuis Goodhope Auditorium, Cape Town. While GCIS, as it did in June 1999, takes responsibility only for briefings by the executive arm of government, other organs of government and political parties represented in Parliament are welcome to use the opportunity, where there are vacant slots, to brief the media.

Media releases

Interministerial Committee on Disaster Management meeting on Y2K

3 August 1999

The InterMinisterial Committee on Disaster Management, chaired by the Minister for Provincial and Local Government, met today to review progress in achieving readiness with regard to the Y2K phenomenon. As the remediation projects approach completion the focus is falling on the review of contingency plans and the testing of their suitability for Y2K.

Media releases

Inauguration of new President on 16 June 1999

17 May 1999

The Inter-Ministerial Committee is pleased to announce that arrangements are in place for the inauguration of the new President of South Africa on 16 June 1999.

It is expected that numerous Heads of State will be attending this special event in our history. The formal inauguration ceremony will take place in the Amphitheatre of the Union Buildings on the morning of 16 June 1999.

Media releases
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