Communications Minister Faith Muthambi on The Star article

19 February 2015

Communications Minister Faith Muthambi rejects an article published in The Star newspaper headlined: “Minister on the spot over her sweeping powers”

The article by Siyabonga Mkhwanazi in The Star newspapers and syndicated in other Independent title does not represent the facts and the discussions that unfolded in the Department’s briefing to Parliament on Tuesday.

Media releases

Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster post-SoNA media briefing: 19 Feb


18 February 2015

Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster chaired by Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Nosiviwe Mapisa- Nqakula will hold a media briefing on the implementation of the Government Programme of Action for the post State of the Nation Address 2015.

Media briefing will be held as follows:

Date: Thursday, 19 February 2015
Time: 08h30
Venue: Imbizo Media Centre, 120 Plein street in Parliament, Cape Town with a link up to Tshedimosetso House (DOC), Pretoria.

Media releases

Post-Cabinet media briefing: 19 Feb

18 Feb 2015

Minister for Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation in the Presidency, Mr Jeff Radebe, will tomorrow address media on the outcomes of the Cabinet meeting held on Wednesday, 18 February in Cape Town.

Details are as follows:
Date: Thursday, 19 February 2015
Time: 10h00
Venue: Imbizo Media Centre, 120 Plein Street, Parliament, Cape Town

NB: There will be a video-link to DoC Head Office, Tshedimosetso House corner Francis Baard and Festival Streets, Hatfield, Pretoria

Media releases

Governance and Administration Cluster post-SoNA media briefing

17 February 2015

Deputy Ministers
Members of the Media
Ladies and Gentlemen

Thank you for joining us this morning for the Governance and Administration post-State of the Nation Address (SoNA) Cluster media briefing. Today we outline progress made by government through this Cluster and provide more detail of the plans announced by the President during the recent SoNA to improve the lives of all South Africans.

Media releases

Government’s media briefings for 16-22 Feb

15 February 2015

On Tuesday, 17 February at 08:30am, Governance and Administration (G&A) Cluster chaired by Minister of Home Affairs, Malusi Gigaba will hold a media briefing on the implementation of the Government Programme of Action for the post State of the Nation Address 2015. The briefing will be held at Imbizo Media Centre, Cape Town with a link up to Tshedimosetso House (DOC), Pretoria.

Media releases

Government Post-State of the Nation Address media briefings: 15-19 Feb

13 February 2015

Government will hold cluster media briefings on the implementation of the Government Programme of Action for 2015 post the State of the Nation Address.

The briefings are scheduled as follows:

Sunday, 15 February 2015

10h00- 11h00: International Cooperation, Trade and Security (ICTS) Cluster chaired by Minister of Telecomunications and Postal Services, Siyabonga Cwele

Venue: Imbizo Media Centre, 120 Plein Street, Parliament, Cape Town.

Media releases
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