Statement on Cabinet meeting of 18 April 2007

18 April 2007

Cabinet held its sixth meeting of the year yesterday morning, 18 April 2007, in Cape Town.

Cabinet approved the establishment of the Broadband Infrastructure Company (INFRACO) as a state-owned enterprise that will provide electronic communications network services. The non-core Fixed Services Network (FSN) assets of Eskom Ltd and Transnet Ltd will be transferred to INFRACO.

Media releases

Statement on Cabinet meeting of 7 March 2007

8 March 2007

Cabinet held its fourth meeting this year in Cape Town yesterday, 7 March 2007.

Cabinet noted that South Africa assumed the Chairpersonship of the United Nations Security Council at a time when the Council will be dealing with major global issues. This historic task comes with the communication challenge of ensuring that our role and votes in the Council are fully understood in South Africa and abroad. A communication strategy will be put in place to address this challenge.

Media releases

Statement on Cabinet meeting of 7 February 2007

7 February 2007

Cabinet held its second meeting of the year in Pretoria today, 7 February 2007.

This statement only covers Cabinet decisions other than the policy issues, which will be covered in the President's State of the Nation Address on 9 February in Parliament and the media briefings by Ministers the following week.

The meeting considered and approved the government's legislative programme for consideration by Parliament in the 2007 session.

Media releases

Statement on Cabinet meeting of 23 November 2006

23 November 2006

At the invitation of the President, the leadership of the National House of Traditional Leaders attended part of the meeting and briefed Cabinet on progress in building the relationship between Government and traditional leaders. Cabinet noted that the House is working closely with the Department of Provincial and Local Government to strengthen ties between traditional leaders and the three spheres of government to improve the quality of life of our people, especially in the rural areas.

Media releases

Statement on Cabinet meeting of 11 October 2006

11 October 2006

Cabinet noted that at least 748 000 grade 12 learners began sitting for their matriculation examinations on the 10th October around the country. Cabinet was pleased to note that the exams were proceeding well with no incidents of any kind reported. We would like to take the opportunity to wish all our learners the best of luck and hope that their hard work will be rewarded with good results.

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