Government welcomes Dirco's 24-hour online radio station

14 October 2013

Government congratulates the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) on the anticipated launch of the new 24-hour online radio station, Ubuntu Radio.

Acting GCIS CEO, Phumla Williams said, “Government will use this innovative undertaking to raise public awareness and stimulate public discourse on South Africa's foreign policy. Ubuntu Radio will be accessible to South Africans and beyond the borders of our country, able to reach many parts of the world”.

Media releases

GCIS keeps citizens in touch with government

8 October 2013

More South Africans are receiving a wider range of information about government services, policies and plans across a broad range of communication platforms, the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) annual report for 2012/13 reveals. Among other initiatives in during 2012/13 financial year, GCIS intensified its Public Participation Programme, which took various national, provincial and local leaders to communities to hear people’s views and share information about government’s plans and policies.

Media releases

Government refutes claims on the cost of hired cars by Ministers

2 October 2013

Government refutes sensational claims that Executive Members of Cabinet are “misusing public funds” while renting vehicles to carry out the work of government.  All Cabinet Ministers were asked a Parliamentary Question to provide expenditure details in this regard.

Policy provides that “Members at a national level may be provided with one vehicle for use in Cape Town and one vehicle for use in Pretoria.  It further provides for “Use of Incidental Vehicles for official purposes away from respected seats of office”.

Media releases

Government and LeadSA launch Freedom Fridays

19 Sep 2013

Minister of Arts and Culture, Paul Mashatile will launch Freedom Friday to mark the lead up to South Africa celebrating 20 years of freedom and democracy in Soweto.

Government in conjunction with LeadSA encourage all citizens to use every Friday from 20 September until the end of December 2014 to celebrate the milestones of the country’s freedom.

Media releases

Human Development Cluster Media Briefing

18 September 2013

Ministers and Deputy Ministers
Directors-General and Programme Managers
Members of the media
Ladies and gentlemen

Welcome to the Human Development Cluster media briefing, which provides a progress report on the targets we set ourselves since the State of the Nation Address (SONA) on 14 February 2013.

This Cluster leads three of the 12 Government Outcomes, namely:

Media releases

Human Development Cluster media briefing: 8 Sept

17 Sep 2013

Government will hold a series of quarterly Ministerial Cluster media briefings to inform citizens on progress made in the implementation of the 12 Outcomes and respective service delivery agreements.

On 18 September 2013, Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga as the Chair will lead a panel of Human Development Cluster Ministers at the briefing.

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