Media briefing on work of Economic, Investment and Employment Communication Cluster DGs

17 October 2007

Thank you for availing yourselves and thanks to the DGs for making time in their busy schedules to attend this interaction, as part of government communication. We consider this interaction as an extended platform to share substantive information with specialist writers in the area of the work of this cluster.

Media releases

Government welcomes the public's anti corruption and bribery initiatives

16 November 2010

Government welcomes initiatives by civil society, media and business to identify incidents of bribery and corruption in the country and bring it to the attention of law enforcement agencies.

A recent, informal poll conducted by the Lead SA initiative in collaboration with Primedia Broadcasting and the Independent Newspapers demonstrates the concern showed by people in a number of urban areas over alleged bribery and corruption among Metro Police officials.

Media releases

Media briefing on readiness for inauguration of president and 10 Years of Freedom celebrations

22 April 2004

Next Tuesday will mark a seminal point in the history of South Africa. The inauguration of the country’s third democratically elected President will be combined with the celebration of the ten years of freedom on 27 April 2004, the exact day democracy was born in South Africa.

Media releases

Government responds to Mail & Guardian "adspend" speculation

30 October 2010

Government Communications (GCIS) is duty-bound to respond to the highly speculative Mail &Guardian (M&G) (October 29) feature "Govt to apply ideology to adspend".

The M&G suggests that in view of The New Age's entry into the media market, Government will redirect its spending on advertising to ensure that 60 percent of this expenditure will go to the SABC and 30 percent to The New Age, both branded as "patriotic media" by the M&G and its - once again - unnamed sources.

Media releases

Working together to grow an economy that benefits all

15 September 2010

On Tuesday 14 September 2010, Government in partnership with SABC 1 brought you another episode of the reality show called “Rize Mzansi”. The tenth episode of this television series featured information on a recently introduced new program by the Department of Trade and Industry (dti) called the Enterprise Investment Program (EIP) focusing on the scheme offered to businesses in the manufacturing sector.

Media releases
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