Media briefing on the state of readiness for COP17: 23 Nov

22 November 2011

The Inter Ministerial Committee (IMC) will brief members of the media on South Africa’s state of readiness to host the COP17/CMP7 Conference that will be held in Durban from 28th November until the 9 December 2011.

Details of the media briefing are as follows:

Date: Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Time: 14h00
Venue: Imbizo Media Centre, 120 Plein Street, Parliament, Cape Town

Media releases

Media briefing on local procurement accord by government, business, labour and community: 31 Oct

31 October 2011

The Minister of Economic Development, Ebrahim Patel and a delegation of leaders of business, organised labour and community representatives will hold a media briefing and sign an Accord on Local Procurement. The Accord is one of the results of discussions on the New Growth Path between government and social partners.

Media are invited to attend as follows:

Media releases

Media briefing on country's position on climate change and green economy: 30 Nov

30 November 2011

The Head of the South African Delegation for COP17/CMP7, the Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, Ms Edna Molewa, together with the Minister of Science and Technology, Ms Naledi Pandor will address the media on the elements of the country’s position as well as the science and technology initiatives in response to climate change.

Media releases
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