Statement on Cabinet meeting of 19 February 2004

19 February 2004

At its meeting yesterday (18 February), Cabinet received a detailed briefing on security preparations to ensure free and fair elections.

The meeting noted that, in the main, no serious problems had been identified that would prevent a smooth electoral process. It expressed its appreciation of the work that had been done to deal with any contingencies, and agreed that, where any violation of the law took place, firm and urgent steps should be taken to bring perpetrators to book.

Media releases

Statement on Cabinet meeting of 8 November 2000

8 November 2000

At its meeting today, Cabinet considered details of budgetary matters with regard to the 2001/2003 Medium-term Expenditure Framework. In addition to the matters that were announced by the Minister of Finance in Parliament a week ago, Cabinet also decided on mechanisms to finalise both the conceptualisation of, and allocations for, the reparations process as prescribed in the TRC Act.

Media releases

Statement on Cabinet meeting of 25 October 2000

25 October 2000

Cabinet today received a briefing on the detection of foot-and-mouth infections among stock within the 10-kilometer radius of the Camperdown area where incidence of the disease was originally established. The health authorities are doing their utmost to ensure that the disease is contained and eliminated. In this process they have secured the co-operation of the communities in the villages affected.

Media releases

Statement on Cabinet meeting of 11 October 2000

11 October 2000

At its meeting today, Cabinet reviewed the new Cabinet system which was introduced some 9 months ago to ensure integrated planning and implementation of government programmes. The meeting concluded that the system had started to introduce welcome co-operation among structures of government. However, improvements still need to be made regarding processes such as integration in the conceptualisation of policy issues, and ensuring that personnel at all levels of government appreciate this new approach.

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