Statement on Cabinet meeting of 25 June 2003

25 June 2003

Cabinet today in principle approved the White Paper on Traditional Leadership and Governance which defines the role and place of the institution and seeks to restore its integrity and legitimacy. Based on the principles of the Constitution, the White Paper also commits a number of government departments to allocate some functions to the institution of traditional leadership.

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Statement on Cabinet meeting of 11 June 2003

11 June 2003

Cabinet today welcomed the outcome of the Growth and Development Summit, and congratulated all the sectors represented in National Economic Development and Labour Council (Nedlac) for the manner in which the issues on the agenda were dealt with. The GDS agreement, which identified many concrete activities to help speed up the rate of investment and job-creation, is an important milestone in creating national consensus among South Africans on the critical challenges of economic growth and development.

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Statement on Cabinet meeting of 28 May 2003

28 May 2003

Cabinet today noted the progress that was being made in the intensive negotiations leading up to the Growth and Development Summit which will be held on 7 June 2003. As the discussions among the NEDLAC partners show, the Summit has the potential to initiate the forging of a People's Contract for Growth and Development, and to identify concrete immediate projects that will speed up the rate of investment and job-creation.

Media releases

Statement on Cabinet meeting of 14 May 2003

14 May 2003

Cabinet was today briefed on the programme for the celebration of May 25, Africa Day, which this year marks the 40th anniversary of the formation of the Organisation of African Unity. In addition to special events prior to Africa Day, for the youth, the multi-disciplinary Southern African Development Community (SADC) cultural programme and a Presidential banquet on the eve of Africa Day, there will be a mass celebration on Sunday, 25 May, at the Johannesburg Stadium in Gauteng.

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