Government statement on the commemoration of Black Wednesday

19 October 2019

Today marks exactly 42 years since the brutal apartheid regime silenced independent voices by closing certain publications. That action gave rise to what is today commonly known as “Black Wednesday”.

On Wednesday 19 October 1977 the Apartheid Regime showed its contempt for freedom of expression and media freedom when it banned The World, Weekend World as well as other publications and arrested Percy Qoboza who was the editor of The World and various other black consciousness activists.

Media releases

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 16 October 2019

17 October 2019

Cabinet met on Wednesday, 16 October 2019 at Tuynhuys in Cape Town

A. Issues in the environment

1. Global Competitiveness Index

1.1. Cabinet welcomes the findings of the World Economic Forum’s annual Global Competitiveness Index that shows South Africa has moved up seven places; making it more attractive for investors and the possibility of creating much-needed jobs.

Media releases

Collection of media accreditation for eThekwini Presidential Launch of District Development Model

16 October 2019

Members of the media who have applied for accreditation to cover the eThekwini District Development Model Presidential launch are advised to collect their accreditation cards as follows:

The launch of Mara Phone Plant: Accreditation will be collected as follows:

Date: Wednesday, 16 October 2019         
Time: 9h30 – 17h00     
Venue: Dube Trade Port, Dube City, Invest SA offices, Durban

The launch of District Development Model: Accreditation will be collected as follows:

Media releases

The UN High Commission for refugees in Cape Town sit-in

9 Oct 2019

Government notes the sit-in by people alleged to be foreign nationals at the offices of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees in Cape Town. It is also noted that the Western Cape Refugee and Migrant Forum has distanced itself from this sit-down.

South Africa is a signatory to international instruments which form part of Public International Law, and these international instruments have also been incorporated into our domestic law by the Refugees Act.

Media releases

Launching of the Khulisa Food And Nutrition Programme: 28 Sept

26 September 2019

The year 2019 is a very special time for South Africa. It is the year in which we reflect on the journey of the last 25 years since the attainment of our hard-won freedom and democracy.

We will remember the relief and exhilaration of the day of our freedom, the historic and defining moment at which we became a country at peace with itself and the world.

Media releases

Government employees to recommit themselves to the Fight Against Gender- Based Violence: 27 Sept

23 Sep 2019

Government will hold a march for public servants to recommit themselves and stand firm against gender based violence in the country.

The march will take place in Pretoria on Friday, 27 September from Church Square to the Union Buildings and it will be led by the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA). 

The March by public servants seek to reinforce President Cyril Ramaphosa’s call for all sectors of society to work together to stop the violence and the killing of women and children.

Media releases
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