Minister Dlodlo to engage young rural women on their representation in media: 28 Aug
28 August 2017
28 August 2017
24 August 2017
The Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) urges potential employment seekers to be wary of a fake job listing advert that is circulating on social media.
The GCIS warns the public to be vigilant as the advert lists vacancies at GCIS, government departments and other organisations. The fake job advert indicates that there are 18 senior secretary and 42 general assistant posts available at the GCIS. The links in the advert opens the website SA Local Jobs.
22 August 2017
Ntutu’s death makes media industry poorer
Government is saddened by the death of SABC veteran journalist, radio assignment editor and photographer, Zola Ntutu. He played an instrumental role in his profession during a crucial time for South Africa during his reportage on the Truth and Reconciliation process.
21 August 2017
Government wishes to congratulate journalists who won the 2017 SADC Media Awards competition. The awards were conferred by the outgoing Chair of SADC King Mswati III during the opening ceremony of the 37th SADC Summit that is currently underway in Pretoria.
The Summit is convened in the year of OR Tambo under the theme “Partnering with the Private Sector in Developing Industry and Regional Value Chains”.
17 August 2017
Cabinet met at the Union Buildings in Pretoria.
1. Issues in the environment
16 August 2017
Minister of Communications, Ms Ayanda Dlodlo, will brief media on the outcomes of the Cabinet meeting held today, Wednesday 16 August 2017.
Members of the media are invited to attend as follows:
Date: Thursday, 17 August 2017
Time: 10h00
Venue: Ronnie Mamoepa Media Centre, Tshedimosetso House, 1035 Francis Baard Street, Hatfield, Pretoria
NB: Journalists based in Cape Town are invited to participate via a video-link at Imbizo Media Centre, 120 Plein Street, Parliament.
16 August 2017
The 16th of August marks the fifth year following the tragic incidents which occurred at the Lonmin Mine in Marikana between 11 and 16 August 2012.
Government joins the families and friends of those who lost their lives, political parties and various sectors of society in remembering this day.
10 August 2017
The Duke Menell Media Exchange is hosting a two day conference under the theme “Truth and Trust, Mapping Media’s New Terrain” starting on Friday 11th to Saturday 12th August 2017. Minister of Communications, Ms Ayanda Dlodlo has been invited to give opening remarks.
Menell Media Exchange (MMX) is a project of Duke University. MMX grew out of an international media fellowship program at Duke University into an annual event in South Africa.
8 August 2017
Government thanks all South Africans who expressed their views within the bounds of the law and peacefully exercised their right to protest. The active citizenry demonstrated by South Africans affirms our strong and maturing democracy.
Today’s developments in Parliament and in various cities countrywide prove that our democracy remains robust, strong and vibrant. This is in line with our multi-party system of governance and our founding values of transparency, accountability and openness.
8 August 2017
Government is disappointed at reports of learners being taken out of schools, damage to public infrastructure, business properties and the disruption of public transport in and around the City of Tshwane. Such acts have no place in our constitutional democracy. These actions undermine the democratic rights of other South Africans.
The Constitution of our country says every person in South Africa has a right to protest, as long it is done in a peaceful manner.