Post Cabinet media briefing: 19 Nov

18 November 2015

Minister in the Presidency for Planning Monitoring and Evaluation, Mr Jeff Radebe will brief the media on the outcomes of the Cabinet meeting held on Wednesday (18 November 2015).

The media briefing will take place as follows: 
Date: Thursday, 19 November 2015
Time: 10h00
Venue: Imbizo Media Centre, 120 Plein Street, Parliament, Cape Town
NB: There will be a video link to GCIS Head Office, Tshedimosetso House, 1035 Francis Baard, Hatfield, Pretoria

Media releases

Government condemns unlawful housing of foreign nationals by Cato Ridge farmer

17 November 2015

Government strongly condemns the decision of a Cato Ridge farmer near Durban in KwaZulu-Natal who has turned his dwelling into a refugee camp for about hundreds of foreign nationals without rezoning it into a residential area.

As much as government welcomes good deeds by communities to assist displaced communities, it is important for those assisting not to transgress the laws and municipal by-laws as it is the case with the farmer in Mkhambathini Local Municipality.

Media releases

Government media briefing on water scarcity and drought

13 November 2015

Colleague Ministers
Executive Mayors
City Managers
Members of the media
Ladies and gentlemen

Thank you for joining us this morning for the briefing on drought. Today’s media briefing takes place against the backdrop of drought conditions which set in with effect from about 2013.  As observed in 2015, the increasing severity of this drought is impacting negatively on the country in both social and economic terms.  

Media releases

Inter-Ministerial Committee to brief media on water scarcity and drought: 13 Nov

13 November 2015

The Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) responsible for the drought led by Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA), Pravin Gordhan will give an update on its work.

Details of the briefing are as follows:

Date: 13 November 2015
GCIS Head Office, Tshedimosetso House, 1035 Francis Baard, Hatfield, Pretoria

NB: There will be a video link to Imbizo Media Centre, 120 Plein Street, Parliament, Cape Town

Media releases

Government welcomes sentencing of former policemen

11 November 2015

Government welcomes the sentencing of eight former Daveyton policemen for the murder of Mozambican taxi driver Mido Macia.

The Pretoria High Court on Wednesday sentenced the officers to 15 years each behind bars for Macia’s death. Macia was arrested and dragged behind a police van on 13 February 2013.

Acting Cabinet Spokesperson Phumla Williams said the sentence should serve a deterrent to anyone who takes law into their own hands regardless of their position or standing in society.

Media releases

Government is working hard to eradicate crime in our communities

6 November 2015                          

Government is satisfied about the number of positive developments since President Jacob Zuma visited the community of Eersterust on 21 August 2015.  President Zuma and several other Ministers visited the area during a Presidential Imbizo where the community raised their concern over the issue of drugs and crime in the area. 

Media releases

Post Cabinet media briefing: 5 Nov

4 November 2015

Minister in the Presidency for Planning Monitoring and Evaluation, Mr Jeff Radebe will brief the media on the outcomes of the Cabinet meeting held on Wednesday (04 November 2015).

The media briefing will take place as follows:  

Date:           Thursday, 05 November 2015
Time:          10h00
Venue:        Imbizo Media Centre, 120 Plein Street, Parliament, Cape Town

Media releases
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