Round table discussion on how media can report on immigration and anti-foreign sentiments: 22 Apr

20 April 2022
The Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) is hosting a round table discussion with experts on how media can report stories of immigration and anti-foreign sentiments in a manner that fosters social cohesion.  
The roundtable discussion seeks: 
  • To explore expert views on how the media can play a meaningful role in fostering social cohesion 
Media releases

Government passes condolences to Thabo Masebe family

19 April 2022

The Government Communication and Information System (GCIS), is deeply saddened by the passing of one of our very own legendary communicator, Thabo Masebe. At the time of his passing, he served as the Acting Director-General in the Gauteng Premier's office. The GCIS extends it heartfelt condolences to the Masebe family, his colleagues and the province a large. 

Media releases

Government calls for vigilance as the risk of flooding remains high in most parts of South Africa

16 April 2022
Government wishes to advise all that reside in South Africa especially in low lying areas, KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape to remain vigilant as persistent showers of rain continue to pour during the Easter Weekend.  
The South African Weather Services warns that rain accompanied by thunderstorm and strong winds is expected to intensify in some parts of the country and the risk of flooding remains a possibility.  
Media releases

Statement on the virtual Cabinet Meeting of Wednesday, 6 April 2022

7 April 2022
1. Fourth South Africa Investment Conference (SAIC)
1.1. Cabinet welcomed the successful conclusion of the fourth SAIC held at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg on Thursday, 24 March 2022, which saw domestic and international investors pledging new investments in our country.
Media releases

Collection of media accreditation for Presidential Imbizo, Bloemfontein: 7 to 8 Apr

6 April 2022

Members of media who have applied for accreditation to cover the Presidential Imbizo scheduled to take place on Saturday, 09 April 2022 at the Dr Molemela Stadium, Bloemfontein in the Free State Province are advised to collect accreditation cards as follows:

Date: Thursday, 07 April 2022 and Friday, 08 April 2022
Time: 09h00 – 18h00
Venue: Lesley Monnanyane Building, Cnr George Lubbe and Moshoeshoe Road, 9323 in Bloemfontein

Media releases

Webinar: Localising the implementation of the National Strategic Plan to end gender based violence and femicide to strengthen the fight against GBV at local level: 6 Apr

2 April 2022

The Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) will host a webinar on localising the implementation of the NSP to end GBVF which will strengthen the fight against gender based violence at local levels.  The webinar will be led by the NSP on GBVF Pillar Convenors and Ambassadors of the 100-Day Challenges currently being piloted as a means to fast-track localization. 

Media releases

Media accreditation for Presidential Imbizo, Bloemfontein in the Free State Province

1 April 2022 

Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) calls on members of the media to apply for accreditation for the Presidential Imbizo which is scheduled to take place on Saturday, 09 April 2022 at Dr Molemela Stadium, Bloemfontein in the Free State Province. 

Media releases
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